125 gallon setup

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Jason Cody

Active member
Nov 21, 2005
Greensburg, PA
I have a new 125 gallon that I will eventually be setting up as a reef but for now will start working on getting it set up as a fish only with live rock due to the fact that I can't afford the lighting yet. I have a 55 gallon that I will be using as the sump. Is this big enough? Also, I want to get the aquarium drilled in the back to put overflow fittings in. How many holes should I have drilled? What size should they be? How many GPH should I be pushing?
Another thing. When I finally have the cash for lights which direction would be more advisable? Metal Halides or Flourescents or both? And how many?
How deep is the 125? Yes the 55g should be plenty as a sump. More is better from what everyone says, but if you can work with what you have then go for it. As for lighting, If you want SPS, clams and anemone's then Metal Halide would be the best route. Very High Output or PC would depend on what you want to keep in the long run. You also need to take into consideration how deep the tank is. If it is more than 24 inches deep you will have to go with Metal Halide Even for soft corals. You can definately use them until you make it a reef tank.
I'm not sure of the depth but it is a standard 6' long 125 gallon glass aquarium. If I use maetal halides how many will I need? Two or three? Can I combine flourescent actinics with the metal halides? And would I need to purchase a chiller to keep everything cool due to the heat that the halides produce?
Sorry yes you can combine the two types. Most people do for the Actinic's and have them on seperate timers so the Actinics are on longer to simulate dawn and dusk. As far as a chiller it really depends on your tank and household environment. If you don't have heating issues while its a FOWLR (Fish only with Live Rock) You most likely won't if you incorperate a fan system in the Canopy or blowing across the top of the water. For 6' long tank, you can get away with 2 but 3 will give you more area to put light sensitive corals in. I would recomend 3. Your Actinics would cover the rest.

Keep in mind I am no expert on lighting. There will be a few other people to comment on this thread. I'd wait to see what they have to say. Nor do I have a heating issue. So I have no experience with a chiller.
Ok, great. I have been checking out some of the lighting options at www.hellolights.com listed on a separate thread and the prices for the halide retrofit kits seem more reasonable than any others I've seen. I do have several fans that I can incorporate into the hood. Right now I have a 6' strip light of which I was going to use for the FOWLR until I'm ready for the halides. The live rock will be ok with a standard flourescent right?
Is your 125 glass or acrylic? If it is a standard 125 all-glass, then chances are you can't drill it which sucks. I wish I could drill my 90. Nevertheless, there are more than enough options out there to get sufficient and proper flow in your tank so don't worry. You sound like you will have a nice setup once you get it all together. Good luck and if you have any questions, ask, ask, ask away!(LOL)
Yea that light will do for now. Its when you get into corals and exotic invertibrates that you will have to upgrade for healthy and colorful specimens.
There is a pet store about 30 miles away that will drill the glass. The only tempered part of the aquarium is the bottom. They charge $15.00 for each hole. I think I will have them do it just in case there is an "accident" and it breaks. I don't like going "back to the drawing board" any more than I have to.
Thanks for the info. everyone!
Make sure they drill it right(LOL) The LFS here had their 15 gal display tanks drilled on the sides to plumb a few tanks into one system and after a few months of them drilling it, it started to crack slightly around the holes. Not sure if this is normal or they had it done wrong in the first place, but I just thought you should know, so you could mention it to the people who are going to drill your tank before they do, to find out if that is likely to happen eventually. Good luck...
I have my 125 drilled in the back...no problems...and I did it myself with a $12.00 diamond drill bit bought off of ebay.
I have a 125g setup
As far as lighting goes, I use this fixture, http://www.hellolights.com/co72150waaqp.html , I really love it. The initial cost is high but the 150 hqis are almost equivelent to doing 250w moguls, the fixture runs extremely cool, I live in FL and don't run a chiller, it has all light stages, PCs fo actinics and 4 1w moonlights, which are very nice.
I run a Mag18 for a return which would be good for you for now if you use a powerhead or two. What type of reef will it be?
SPECSGIRL...Tell me more about the drill bit that you bought. Who manufactures it, make and model number?

I looked at the website you provided and, well, dang! Those suckers are expensive! I'm too cheep to go that route. I didn't get a chance to look at your reef yet but I will as soon as I get done with this reply.

I have big plans without the pocket book so anything I can do DIY I do. My reef will be for everything from mushrooms to hard corals and plenty of fish.
I have made plans for several powerheads and a nice skimmer that I built myself.
Thanks for providing your information. Now I'll check out your pics!
Nice reef! Thanks for posting the pics. Gives me something to aim for!

You mean diablo's?(LOL) Yeah that's a cool tank. I just forwarded you the thread because I saw they were talking about where to buy that bit you wanted and figured you could keep an eye on both threads for some more info on them...I'm aiming for a tank as cool as diablo's myself(LOL)