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Well it s going to be a FOWLR for now but i may try to grow some xenia to trade with my LFS for store credit. Well you saw all the fish i am planning to add are any of them considered "aggressive" to the porkfish?

I will most deffinatley add the clown tang last and have you ever heard of people having trouble keeping them?


Hmmm...I might consider the clown tang on the aggressive side for a porkfish. They are neat looking, that's for sure. Just understand that if you ever want to add snails or other inverts later on, the porkfish will eat them up. One person (mojoreef) I know that had a clown tang, ended up removing it from the tank because it was behaving very aggressively towards the other fish. He referred to it as the clown tang from hell.

Wow, maybe i'll have to skip on that one then. See its hard to decide what to do because when you ask anyone in this hobby a question you'll never get the same answer.

Well he/she will be last to go in the tank so if it does start trouble i will trade him in for something else.

Also won't the brownbanded shark eat all my crustaceans anyways?
Oops - guess I missed the shark part...I was all wrapped up in the tangs :D.
Thats cool.

Doyou know of any rays that could live in a 210?

Because I've been told that there are some that can live in a tank of that size.

Thanks for helpin me out!

Did you QT or just cross your fingers? :) Do you suppliment food with garlic? I want one but am a little scared of ich and possible aggression from other tangs.
No QT.:D
He went in the tank with the Naso, the purple was already in there. Yeah, I use some garlic, but I don't really think that makes a difference. I think good water quality in general helps alot.
My tanks a 120.... but I've got a half filled 29g sump below??? Can I play? :lol:
210 fowlr tank i reacon u could keep quiet a few fish in there what about triggers and wrasse
sharks are cool portjacksons or wobbygones are good i know where to catch sum 2 fed ex 2 u lol they put them in touch pools at our local aquairm AQWA its got the longest under water tunel ive dive in there it was alright nurse sharks huge sting rays and a sea tutrle..(rambling sorry)
i dont have anyiing reall big just a 50 gallon and a 30 both with out sumps
i was gonna have a fowlr 30 but i have a desir to grow soft corals and lots of xeina
attached are sum photos of the dive me and my dad had in the aqwa tank heaps of fish speices and the sharks of course

I'm dieing to get my 210 all set up. There are so many things that i want to do. It arrives at the fish store hopefully on Friday and then my LFS is nice enough to do all the plumping on my overflows and also help me put a refugium in my new sump. This tank is going to be amazing when i'm all done with it. I have so many ideas and i can't wait to get them all done and show you guys!
I'm going to grow only xenia in this tank later on since i'm keeping the halides. That way i can trade them in for store credit so that i can buy more cool stuff to stock my baby with.
OMG !!! Chrisandbarb .... that's a very very nice tank and house !!! :D .
your home looks really really neat .... may be we should all get a little more view of it :D .

Morgan that's very kewl you have almost the whole neighbourhood keeping your tank :lol: :lol: i'm sure they don't mind seeing a shark once in a while when they're in their beds :lol: :lol: .
I've never been to a public aquarium before and i really should go now that i am in the hobby. The shedd aquarium by my house is suppose to have a great section set up for reef. I think this summer i will go check it out.
Shedd's exhibit is unbelieveable! You'll love it!
Thats right Nikki i forgot you grew up in chicago right? Yeah my fiance and me are planning to go in the next couple of weeks.