125 gl new...

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Jul 12, 2006
Here are some pics of my new 125 gl. I have had it up and running for about a month now. The livestock I have in it was not purchased it was given to me by a friend who's tank cracked. I am aware it is still to soon to buy any livestock for this aquarium. Will post more pics when new additions are made..hope you enjoy.
Welcome to RF!!! Very nice tank!!! One thing I would suggest (which I got a bit drilled for :p ) is if you have the 2 fans blowing directly on that metal halide bulb, to point it away a bit so it doesn't blow directly on it. It is said to kill the life of the bulb as well as change the spectrum a bit. I'm not sure if the fans are sucking or blowing but I thought I'd throw that out just incase. If you would like to see the thread on it let me know and I'll get you a link. :)

Thanks for sharing the pics and I hope you enjoy it here:)
light comment

Thanks for the reply and the nice welcoming krish. The fan is blowing the air out (away) from the lights.....is this ok?
I would not recommend a chocolate chip star since it will severly limit what you can have in the tank.
Brenden said:
I would not recommend a chocolate chip star since it will severly limit what you can have in the tank.

Yes, but so does the preditory shrimp:lol:

I love harlequins, but never had the right time nor place. Some set up tanks just for the nasty little munchers:evil: and their starfish food:eek:
Yes, but so does the preditory shrimp
Agree. You are already limiting yourself so whay make it even worst?
Never had the erge to keep something like that.
There are many here (NOT myself) that know how to keep your horse fed and happy.

Are you SURE your friend's tank cracked and not just pawning off the hard to care for pets?

I fed the horse today for the first time frozen brine shrimp and got him to eat. That is a good sign. I will keep you posted on how he continues to do in the tank. :oops:
Are you SURE your friend's tank cracked and not just pawning off the hard to care for pets?
Oddly enough I had the same thought. If not...may have lost it and hit the tank with a hammer.
gnovey7778 said:
I fed the horse today for the first time frozen brine shrimp and got him to eat. That is a good sign. I will keep you posted on how he continues to do in the tank. :oops:

Start a seahorse feeding thread. I have seen and heard of many die while the keepers swore that they thought the seahorses seemed to be eating well. :cry: Frozen brine might work great, I personally do not know. Recently there was thread on one who is breeding them and keeps amny types. Best with all,
Thanks for the reply and the nice welcoming krish. The fan is blowing the air out (away) from the lights.....is this ok?

No problem man and yes, that is just fine how you have it sucking:)
No problem man and yes, that is just fine how you have it sucking
Agree. If anyone on here is a expert at sucking it is Krish.:lol:
So it is OK to have it suck 50 CFM across the bulb, but not blow 50CFM across it? Isn't it the same air flow?

Learn something everyday. Guess a suck job beats a...
Sucking air past it does not concentrate the air in one spot like blowing. Krish showed me how it worked by holding his lips differently and placing his hand in front of his mouth. Maybe he could come over and give you a demo.
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