125 progression thread

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I am so sorry to hear this. Losses like that really hurt.
If there is anything I can do, let me know.
all happened in the rubber maid...

I'm sorry, it burns that much worse when this kind of stuff happens when you are trying to do things the right way and it still backfires. The fact that it hurts so much shows how much you really care for your fish. I wish everyone in this hobby provided the care and emotional investment that you and Adam do in your livestock. I wish I was closer so I could lend some help in some way. Just remember there are always brighter days ahead.

how sad. there must be a dramatic period in every great story...keep going. cheers to new beginnings Eh
Keep plugging away guys. I know the set backs suck, but you two have been my inspiration for too long to let it put you down! I have some decent corals growing out and as soon as I get home I'll be setting up a breeder tank for the picassos once they start laying eggs. You guys are more than welcome to a pair for free once I get things going right!

I know what you are going thru as I experienced this myself last Xmas..


I almost left the hobby...but the advice I've gotten along this journey called life of not to make a important decision when under stress served me well and prolly the reason why I stayed in the hobby.

I am slowly rebuilding my livestock in my tank and QT EVERYTHING that goes in to my tank..at a miniumum everything gets a week PraziPro treatment if I can not confirm from the source that this has been done..

my goal is to get back to the 17 fish I had in my tank at one time...just take it slow and one day at a time.

SO tank is done with it's cycle and Levels are PERFECT!
Some REALLY SUPER nice people around here donated some frags and I restocked 100 snails.
Adam did the rock work and this is how it looks now!
AND I couldn't help but get this cool little one inch red strip cardinal for indoor reef







I'll try to stop by Sunday or something and bring you guys some stuff....after I dip the living hell out of it. The new rock work looks intense.
Nice to see you guys again today and it looks like you have a good start going on the re-population of your aquatic world. There are still a couple of things we forgot to get before you had to run and put your new fishies in good water. Maybe later this week or something. Great looking rockwerk BTW. Looks awesome.
You too Peppie
And THANK YOU TOO ALL who helped out this weekend.. I am still amazed, great full, appreciative, and sooo surprised. I will have a full grown out tank in no time..