13 years and still a beginner

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Mar 30, 2008
spokane Washington
So maybe I'm a slow learner....so much to learn. I have a 95gal wave. Found something in my tank today I can't ID. It looks like pics I've seen of birds nest coral. Very tiny, though, between the size of a pea and the size of a cranberry, though not as round. I would estimate it to be 1cm around and .5 cm high. All white. Very sharp thin spines. Firmly attached to the rock and hard to the touch. I have looked at all sorts of hitchhiker ID sites and nothing looks even close. Any ideas?
kind of, but a little more symmetrical growth pattern with the center being more flat and all spines coming from the center and look like deer antlers in a tangle
tried to take pics but it is way too small even with zoom. While trying to get pics I noticed one head on my frog spawn is disintegrating. I'll take my water in for a check tomorrow