150g or 180g

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Blue Tang
Nov 28, 2005
i am stuck with a decision...i have been planning on getting the 150g, but i would like a wider tank...the 150g is 72x18x29....the 180g is72x24x24...i like that the 150g is tall.there is more view from the front, and you don't have to bend over to see it well...150g-$580...180g-$750.....is the extra width worth it????
YES! I want to upgrade tanks so badly! If for no other reason, to get more front to back depth. The height is nice, but also additional maintenance, 'cause it's a long way down there to the sandbed! :)

I wouldn't even second guess this decision. But this is me, not you. And your tank, not mine (I am, however, willing to take on donations!).
I'm with Sherman (even though it wouldn't appear so by my latest swap, but I had no choice). I'd go for the 180 if it is your budget...You shouldn't regret it. Best of luck with it:)
my 72g that i have now is 18" at its widest point in the front middle....i do wish that it was wider than that..the sides are only like 13" or something..i am going to see about having a stand built....the tank has 2 megaflows on the back wall...will the overflow drains interfere with the top of the stand where the tank sits??
i have 24" depth the view look great.but if you go on this size of tank you will need to know that all the other item will need to be more bigger and the cost of that if you want realy healty and nice tank can be twice .the view of 24" realy nice and look better then 18" but when you put l/r in 18" dpeth it's not look like when you put in 24" , in 18" you build quick the view when in 24" it's look empty you will need more rock . the circulation of the water in 24" will be need to be more stronger because the depth so if you want realy good circulation the best way to go with close loop with serious pump or strong ph like the tunze ,seio,or vortec and it 's more expensive.you will need more big and strong skimmer more light and extra....
to tell the truth at the begin i thought to go on this size of tank but now with all the treatment:rolleyes: just to think on change the water every week on this size of tank :shock:
if you can handle this it will be a great tank but you going to work a lot and sometime it's like to be a slave :) and the bad in that the lose in big tank more big and more expensive .

ronj please don't take me wrong again i wish for you good luck what ever you decide but i just "open your eye " to look on all the other things together

good luck

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Lights what do you have?

Ron what kind of Halides do you have? Are you going to grow sps? If so and you only have 250's It will be hard to get down the full 29" of the deep 150 on the other hand they would do very nicely in the 24"...Just my 2 cents
I have a all-glass 150 that is 29" deep and I do regret having to work that deep I have 250 watt HQI's on mine and it does well for LPS but my anomie's have all moved up to the light ;)

ronj said:
i am stuck with a decision...i have been planning on getting the 150g, but i would like a wider tank...the 150g is 72x18x29....the 180g is72x24x24...i like that the 150g is tall.there is more view from the front, and you don't have to bend over to see it well...150g-$580...180g-$750.....is the extra width worth it????
I would deffinately go 180. The width makes a huge difference. Plus if you want to upgrade again in the future your next tank can be a 210. It is the same dimensions only taller.
somehow i knew eveyone would say go with the bigger one...i just needed some folks to talk me into it....i will probably only have softies though....no halides right now...maybe some VHO's
Yeah man...Get the 180! They have one sitting in the LFS here with the dual mega flows that drives me insane when I look at it!!! You know, if it weren't for my huge "pecs" being the Hulk and all, I could probably lay off in it:p
Well lets look at the pluses and minuses of a 180 verses a 150.


A 180 is 6" wider
you can fit more live stock in a 180
Its a 180 and that speaks for itself
Its easy to upgrade to a 210 since they are the same length and width.


it will weigh more
it will take more/bigger equipment to run it
you will need stronger lights to reach the bottom
You may not want to shell out the extra cash for an extra 30 gallons.

There are the negs and pos that i see with the tank upgrade. If it were me though i would upgrade. You see when i was in the market for a bigger tank i was looking at getting a 180 but for $100 more i bought a 210 that was on sale. So if i was you i would look for someone selling a 180 on sale and see if the couple extra bucks is worth it.
72x24=1728 sq in
72x18=1296 sq in

180 gallon has 33% more lighted area = 33% more corals!

ronj said:
150, you don't have to bend over to see it well

You can always have a taller stand built.

I had a 20"h 100 gallon on a 36"h stand. I could see great into that tank without bending over.
Well in essence, your sump will only need to be as big as your equipment needs space and what you want for a fuge if using one. Most of your filtration will come from within the tank from your live rock. On that same note, the more water in your system, the more stable it will be so It is totally up to you, but a 55 gal sounds like a really good size to me:)
I have been using a 40 gallon for my sump... and had part of that made into a Fuge... and all works well. So, yes, a 55 gal sump would work nicely, for either the 180, or if you decided on a 210.
i just got home from the lfs..i bought the 55g..i need to get my skimmer so that i can figure out the placement of the baffles....the plastic company here sells the acrylic that i will use...i am going to see if they will cut it to size for me...hopefully , they can cut the teeth for me..
is this 55g going to be too tall to access the sump and will i be able to get the skimmer in without having a very tall stand....
I would think so

Ron when i shut down my 150 the tank level drops about 2-3" take that and times it by 72" and by 18" and it fills my 40 gallon Oceanic sump up about 4" from the top..Jeff

ronj said:
a 55g sump would be large enough for the 180g right???
Home made stand?

Take the length it takes to remove your skimmer cup and add 2" above that and that should give you a very good idea how hi to have your tank stand. I went with Island Oak tank stand and hoods good Quality but they didn't give me the room i needed to work and get good access to my sump some thing I now regret It required me to make changes on skimmers with real low & wide foot prints.

ronj said:
is this 55g going to be too tall to access the sump and will i be able to get the skimmer in without having a very tall stand....
are you happy with the width of your tank??? also, why does the tank level drop 2-3" when the power is off?.....shouldn't it stop draining when the water level hits the bottom of the overflow teeth