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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2009
Bellingham, WA
Hi there,

I've been doing some tests on a friend's tank. His softies have been melting and brown algae has overrun the live rock. The fish seem fine. There are hermit crabs and a CB shrimp in there which look to be thriving. The corals, however, just are not taking it well at all. Here are some results:

Nitrates <80ppm
Phosphates <10ppm
Hardness 17dkh

Is it possible to have a 17 hardness, or have I done the test wrong? The only additives used were Purple Up. I went ahead and got some Ion magnesium and strontium supplement and have been using it the last two days. How would I go about lowering the hardness? I will do some tests on Calcium a little later.
with a 17dkh hardness your calcium is threw the roof no need to test. that is a given

water changes! no more purple up.
So, it's time to find an iodide supplement and just let the calc and alk run its course. That purple up stuff is nasty as it is, much too cloudy. There's no coralline algae in there, so I don't see the point. I suppose it's marketed as an all-in-one solution?
If the Alk is actually that high, it'll soon start killing corals. Sounds like the corals are already suffering from it. However, they could also be suffering from the extremely high Nitrates. I'd do 50% water changes, every 3 days, until tank parameters are back in line. I'd also suggest blasting all the live rock, with a powerhead, to get the detritus in suspension, during water changes.

I wouldn't add ANY supplements that you aren't testing for AND that you don't know the benefits of. Unless you know WHY and HOW MUCH to add, don't add anything.
I'm guessing you have dkh of 17/2= 8.5 but that really doesn't matter. You need to preform some serious water changes stat! Just make sure to do them right. +1 for ditching the Purple up.
I'll get him to change the water ASAP! What about this AquaVitro Ion stuff? Should I keep using it at half dose? Also, the iodide would be preferable for a softie tank, no?


With a softy tank, I wouldnt dose a thing.

Overdosing with purple up will skyrocket the ALK. Also the aquavitro IONs is a magnesium supplement. Have you tested for MG levels? I wouldnt dose iodine unless i was testing for it first. Too much of that can cause corals to melt as well as high alk as well as high nitrates.

As said before, this tanks needs some major WC's and cleaning. Do that and the chemistry will take care of itself for the most part. Quit dosing anything until the tank has balance again.
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Ditto :D


I'm guessing you have dkh of 17/2= 8.5

Where do you get that from ? Do you mean 17 / 2.8 = 6.07 meq / l. That is the same thing. 1 meq / l = 2.8 dKH. So, 17 dkH = 6.07 meq/ l


Overdosing with purple up will skyrocket the ALK

No, not really :D You get false high Alk readings as the particulate aragonite, CaCO3, that is floating around the tank gets in your sample water. The HCl that is in the reagent for the test kit dissolves the CaCO3 releasing CO3-- ( makes up your Alk) which gives high Alk readings.
First thing to do is a water change! Second thing would be another water change! Third would be another water change!.......Repeat!!! You get it. Good luck
So, it's time to find an iodide supplement and just let the calc and alk run its course. That purple up stuff is nasty as it is, much too cloudy. There's no coralline algae in there, so I don't see the point. I suppose it's marketed as an all-in-one solution?

You do not need to add anything other than what comes in water changes for a soft coral tank.
zero, nada, zilch.