Skimmer seems to b running good. And performing I believe.
Its hard when u don't see the paticles or molecules with ur bare eye. Lol
All Ive ever known is needle wheel water pump powered skimmers with air injection.
I was gonna do an update on the obd forum section.
Did wcs last tuesday. I have yet to empty the cup since I got it from u mfinn. Prob bout half or more full.
I didn't get that skimmer u thought I did or was gonna.
I'm terrible I swear. Cr@zyfish commented yesterday how I don't need a new tank for my 1yr old tank... lol
But hey, now that I think about it... the one yr warranty is void.
Anyways. Yes it works and maybe ill snap a pic a bit later. The skimate looks framiliar to what I'm used to. A lil wet but it could b the clear protein. I think the next cup will b better.