1st salt water tank

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Rhode Island
hi every 1 this is my first post. Ive been thinking about starting a salt water tank for a while but ive been researching and i have a plan for what im going to do and i would like to know your oppinions on how it sounds.

My Plan
20 gallon tank (biggest i have room for)
filter- magnum 350 pro system
light- already have a power compact just needs new bulb
heater-visi-therm deluxe heater
refugium- AquaFuge PS Refugium has built in Bak-Pak 2R protein skimmer
live sand-fiji pink sand #0 extra fine
live rock- lalo live rock
im thinking about keeping low light corals and some small fish like gobies or clown fish or basslets. i would live to hear from you all about what you think of my salt water tank plan
Welcome aboard Speedy!!!

The hardest thing to do, and probably the MOST important... is PATIENTS PATIENTS PATIENTS!!!!! As you setup your new tank, many different cycles are going to happen for you, just hang in there, read here, ask questions... and TAKE YOUR TIME!!!

The people here are very knowledgable, as well as friendly and helpful!!! Before you know it, you'll have your very own piece of the Ocean in your home to enjoy!!! *Smile*
Hi, welcome to Reef Frontiers. I am glad you are here. About your set up, one thing I would change were it mine is the magnum 350. In my experince those filters are very hard to use, clean, and maintain. If you absolutley must have a cannister filter. I have had very good luck with the rena filstar xp3. Easy to use, auto shut off on supply and return, seperate baskets, and the impelller is at the top of the filter so sand does not stop it at 3 in the morning. That said. I would recomend against any cannister filter for a reef tank. If you keep low stocking density, the refugium, skimmer and live rock will do a better job than any cannister filter can. You may consider having one and running it occasionally for a few days but beyond that you really wont need it. Just my opinions and you will recieve others as well. Decide what you like best because ultimately you are responsible for the upkeep. Here is a photo of mine. Steve
Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!

I agree with what has been said. Patience and reading are an important aspect of the hobby, and will help you succeed. As Steve indicated, you may want to do without the canister filter, unless it is empty and used for flow? Were you going to have any powerheads to create circulation in the tank?

Look forward to pics!
yea i was going to have power heads but i really dont know what ones are good any ideas on some good power heads?