2.5 gallon dwarf seahorse tank

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I'm finally getting some diatoms I believe. I threw in some macro about a week ago when there was still some ammonia in the tank. I'm seeing if the lights are strong enough for them. I don't think some of them are going to make it, but we'll see. Here's some pics. I don't know if I like the placement, but I don't know if I will have a choice once everything starts growing :lol:





something you may want to try is black sand, i find it way easier to keep track of the horses when you have the contrast in color to the sand. if youve had them before you know what i mean. it adds a whole new effect to the tank.
The black sand I used in my 12g had some kind of metal in it ad would stick to my magnet cleaner and scratch the crap out of my glass. I've never owned dwarves before.
I have had a lot of success training my dwarfs to eat frozen cylopeeze. It is much easier to feed, the ponies see it well and you can easily vac out whats not eaten. Just throwing that out there as something to think about.

Also, I kept a few piles of rubble in my tank for the pods to have a place to hide and reproduce. About 1 inch piles that the horses cant get under.

I have also kept small glass shrimp or live mysis in with them to act as a cleanup crew. Though once the dwarves figure out that they can hunt the mysis and eat them (hillarious because they are so big compared to their mouths) its all over for the mysis.
I have had a lot of success training my dwarfs to eat frozen cylopeeze.
You are certainly probably the ONLY person to accomplish this then. If you check out the dwarf forum on seahorse.org you will find that while some had success getting them onto various frozen foods, long term is was a failure to keep them alive with only frozen. You must have a lot of live food in your tank, or, not have been feeding the frozen for a long time.
Some org members keep mysid shrimp in their dwarf tanks but the numbers of newborn mysids produced are not sufficient to supply the needs of the dwarfs so they supplement with bbs, usually after enrichment (most use Dan's Feed from seahorsesource.com) of the bbs.