2.5 Gallons with Led Light Reef

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2008
Kirkland, WA
Well, I had this little old tank, a HOB Filter, and an Old PC light laying around and thought I would set one up for the kids.

I ordered some LED Supplies and started the build. Got done this morning. Wow!!!! LEDs are amazing.

2.5 gallon glass tank (already had)
HOB Filter (already had)
Case Fane for Chiller ($5)
LED Supplies ($40)
10 watt heater (already had)

Tell me what you think....The LEDs are amazing...can't explain the color

Here are some pictures.

Inside of the housing for the LED light.


Close up of an old CPU fan blower...It blows to the left. worked out perfectly.


Close up of the LEds

I cut a hole out of the top of the HOB Filter and attached this Case Fan for Chilling


Top View

Side View

Front view

I love how led's highlight coraline algae and of course pop the color out of corals. Looks great.
This is exactly what my gf wants to have for herself! Lol now I see how to make it. (Her betta used to live in it but his 3 year life expectancy hit it's end)
Great start Peter, whats the plan for livestock ? Another tank for the office or in your kids room ?

Great start Peter, whats the plan for livestock ? Another tank for the office or in your kids room ?


Hey Todd,
Thanks for the kind words. Not sure what I want in there yet for livestock. I am going to just transfer some Zoas over from my office tank. I might even throw in a high priced Scoly as a center piece. The tank is in the dining room. All the tanks I have and none are in the livingroom area. I guess I am starting to migrate....
This tank is very cool and I think I may have to copy you on this. My boy wants a tank in his room.

Very simple to copy. Not much cost if you have most of the stuff laying around. I used the same excuse and said the tank was for my kids....I realize they don't really care too much for it and now it is another one of my tanks....:):)
I just got done the last few days of fragging and stocking my little nano. Still want to bring over a nice bleading apple scoly but that can wait. In the mean time, here is some livestock of the tank now.




Full Tank Shot...

Love it!!!! amazing!!!!! Want it!!! LOL :) wish i was handy with lights - without spending a fortune :(
Absolutely LOVE your tank!!!!!! keep the pictures coming :)
Sweet nano you have there, Peter... I love that crystal clear water and healthy look live stock.