2 Angels

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For multiple Dwarfs, the best aquascaping is to break the length into 3 sections so that each section is hidden/out of view of the other. When Dwarfs see each other, tension can build. But when rocks or decor break up the line of sight, they can get along fairly well, each taking a section and callin it their own. Three Dwards should have about a 6 foot length in a 125. or a larger dimensioned DT with more width (front to back).

Good luck!
I should easily be able to change a few rocks around. Would more than 3 dwarfs work. I know that they like macroalgae, but is it necessary to have it in the display.
In a six foot length, I would limit the Dwarfs to just three.

I'm unsure about your macro algae question. You feed the macro algae daily. You don't need to culture or grow it in the display. They may be too shy to come to a clip on the side of the DT so it may be something you have to present by anchoring it a bit by a rock or tying it to a rock. If they squabble at the feeding site, you may have to split the macro algae feeding into different parts of the tank.
Would a multicolor would work with a eibli and vrolkli. Also how should I QT them. I obviously need to buy them all at once, and I should be able to get them from one supplier. My main QT tank is a 40bdr Would I have to build egg crate dividers or can I keep them all together and the lack of any territory would stop any fighting.
The three should do okay. They don't have to go in at the same time. In fact, that might be a blow to the biological filter in the main system. But if you must QT all 3 at the same time, it is best to use separate QTs. If you put 3 fish together and each has a different disease or condition, you end up having to treat all three for things they don't have. Not a good approach in general.

We discussed the problems with the three in line-of-sight in the display. I think that the answer to the question of putting them together in one QT without dividers would be obvious. :) Putting them together would defeat more than one of the principals of the QT process. Please re-read the introduction to: A Quarantine Procedure

I would prefer not to have to get all of them at once, I just assumed I had to add them all at once.
Are any of the angels I've mentioned tough to keep. The multi is the one I'm concerned about.
They are all about the same level of care. The Dwarf Angels can be difficult, however when the proper water quality, environment and care is given they usually do quite well. A mature, aged aquarium is their best chance for long-term thriving. There are some with personalities that won't work out, but that is the luck of the draw, so to speak.