2 critters I would like ID'ed

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2007
Groton, CT
This guy is a slow mover and blends in almost perfectly with the rock/coraline algae. Also took a lot to pry him off...enough so that it was killed in the process. I have noticed a couple of others in the tank though. It has a hard colored surface on the top and on the bottom is very soft. I am positive its a mollusk of some sort. Any thoughts?


This next guy...we have a pair of them so far. One pic of each. Its about the size of a end of a pencil eraser and the only way I can describe it is like a miniture sand star which I wonder if it is. Any thoughts? Sorry for the crappy pics...hard to get a good one on glass.


Any and all positive input/opinions is appreciated. Thanks for your time.
the 2nd one i just found as well...

here is my pic i think its the same

little over exsposure
The first critter is some sort of chiton, hard to tell what species exactly. Most are algae eaters, though I think there are a few predatory species.

The second critter is an asterina star, they're algae and detritus eaters.

~ Steve
The second set of photo's appear to be asterina starfish. Dont know anything about them really. Supposedly they are prolific breeders and from what I hear some say safe, some say coral eaters. Try a google.
sorry can't help of first photo's
That 4th picture in your beginning post is a great shot! That critter sure looks like a star to me.
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There are many species of Asterinas, and to be honest, most of them are good, but some are bad. A fellow reefer here in idaho, has had at least 2 different species that would eat his corals. One would eat his leather coral and one would eat I think it was his Green Slimer acro. I have seen the pictures that has has taken that show the damage from the stars. Me I have had I would guess millions in my tanks, and never have noticed any problems. So if you have them, just keep an eye on your corals to make sure you don't have any of the bad guys.
