2 questions, Skimmer idea for the 40 and the MH on the 180, to do something a bit,

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2006
Hillsborough NC
"2 questions, Skimmer idea for the 40 and the MH on the 180, to do something a bit different, if it would work?>

If the tanks I have were done correctly from the start, I wouldn't be of concern about spending on the new type of equipment that im planning to get as time goes on. At the end of the year if all is well, im too get a calcium reactor first for the 150 and in later months will get two phosphate reactors for both, the 150 and 180. In that time I will have a low bio load with no issues of concern for phosphates. But im faced with a minor problem and that is all the Deltec equipment that im to get through the next few years will cost before tax and delivery a total of $7,948, the equipment is as follows;

Calcium Reactors > PF601 $752.00 "240"
Calcium Reactors > PF501 $651.00 "150"
Calcium Reactors > PF501 $651.00 "180"
Fluidized Reactors > FR509 $209.00
Fluidized Reactors > FR509 $209.00
Fluidized Reactors > FR616 $778.00 "240"
Kalkwasser Stirrers > KM500 $439.00
Kalkwasser Stirrers > KM500 $439.00
Kalkwasser Stirrers > KM500 $439.00
Protein Skimmers > APF600 $885.00 "180"
Protein Skimmers > AP600 $645.00 "150"
Protein Skimmers > AP702 $1,851.00 "240"

The equipment wouldn't matter in this case for I need it, but were im running against a brick wall is that I will also need to get both the 180 and 240 gal tank lights change over to 250 watt MH and i figure that the 180 will cost this change over for about $1,500 if not a bit more and I already as is, spent far too much and still im waiting until I can enjoy these tanks.

I figured as well that in order to make the 240 ready to use would run somewhere like $2,500 and it not includes the skimmer and calcium reactor. I wanted so much for the 180 and 240 to manage the highest possible SPS corals. But what if I were to make one little change to cut cost here? The 180 will be started up with the 175 watt MH, and what if I were to stay with those on both, the 150 and 180 gal tanks?

I mean, the ER skimmer which will be on the 180, I will not look to change it until well after, a few years from now. But on the 150, I will look to get the Deltec by the time I reached 3/4 bio load. If I get enough to pressure me in sticking with the idea of having 250 watt MH on the 180. It wouldn't be of any problem for me, only that I keep on soaking cash into these tanks and im still at a point to where im still waiting.

I did while responding to a thread on a new setup had a thought, what if on the 180, that rather to change the lighting to 250 watts, that I add a fourth 175 watt MH. Making it be that there be four 175 watt MH bulbs instead of three. And all what I should have in this is to change a ballast and adjust the position of the three MH now in place. This will leave the 240 with four 250 watt MH when i get pass a point in to where im well enough with live stock in both, the 150 and 180.

So, on the above statement, what you think? It would work well or not? And the tank is 24" deep> If I get enough support into sticking with the program that I had planed for the 180, it will matter not on how much more im too spend. For the one realistic thing here is that I cannot take the money with me, so I spend it. I can make available anywhere from $600 to $1,000 a month and like this time of the year, I can do nothing other then my property tax bill and Xmas or so. So on average, I am able anywhere from $5,500 to $8,000.

I just feel that because of the person I had to do my tanks before and how I seem to be only soaking money into it and still im to wait a few more month before I can get started. At least or one thing, I will begin these tanks in a matter of months now. Even that I am with much patience with this and I already had waiting for to long then anyone and I not giving up on the ideas to what I wanted here with the 180 and 240.

That Jeff person of fish world, I told him a few times that I not would had done these tanks with him, no matter how nice they might appear later on, for the wait that he had put on me for the past four years after I moved into my new house, wasn't of what he agreed upon. The thing there I figure is that he is just another LFS person who only care about how much his sale receipts ring up each week, and nothing about the person. All of this would had been a different story if I not gotten injured and then Jeff could had taking a flying leap somewhere much sooner then almost four years later.

So what this post is really for is for those who would give their support and is the idea on staying with the 175 watt MH on the 180 be OK after adding a fourth 175 watt Mh bulb.

You are see the skimmer I will need to get for the 240 once im to start it much later on for I will put my efforts into the completion of both, the 150 and 180.

Now yes, the 150 again is 29" deep the tank and with four 175 watt MH, as well the 180 right now is with three 175 watt MH and im looking to see if by adding a fourth that it could possibly work well as the same idea by having three 250 watt MH. It does however fall short and the wattages, but would this be reasonable.

Im also looking around for a good skimmer for the 40 QT, and the Deltec skimmers for this would seem crazy to have a skimmer costing $500 or more on a simple 40 QT. Come to think about it, there be also a third question. Who knows of this skimmer?

If some things not make to much sense here, im sorry for I been typing a little each day, for the past few days for as well, I had some medical problems that my medication had to be made stronger and today for the first time for days, I am feeling some relief due to the new medication.

On the above statement, to where im looking for those who might give some support, I had done this before because of the waiting I done in these tanks for if it wasn't that I was disabled, I would had done these tanks a long time ago myself, but im extremely limited in what I can do.

I mean, if the idea on the extra 175 watt MH wouldn't work well enough, then I must stay with the idea that after the holidays I will changed those over to three 250 watt double ended MH bulbs

And if it would work well on the idea of the 175 watt MH on the 180, it would save me at least $1,000

if it was me, i'd stick with 250w on the 180
That is what I been looking for for like I said, I cannot take the money with me, its just that im spending and spending and its only because the tanks werent build in the way that i wanted them to be.

In like that idea of the $1851 skimmer, Iwould be getting something like a $1,000 to $1,200 skimmer if that setup was the correct stand and sump. Im force that is to go with so lager a powerful skimmer for the 240 and to change the stand, I would be spending for greater amount of money the the skimmer is to cost me an extra $6-700 more to where as to have a new stand build, I figure the cost would run somewhere about $2,000 or more
Now im not familair with all the equipment out there and deltec looks great for any long term of my tanks.

At this link; http://www.mops.ca/pdf/page46.pdf
I see mostly only HOB and what seems to be build in skimmers?

Now I know that there be a great many skimmers that be idea for my tanks, and cost isnt all that much of an issue. Not unless the price is too far crazy , LOL

I know the Deltac equipment is extremely high in cost, that it might be ok sticking with the skimmers, but what of all the others? And on the calcium reactor for the 150, I not have the full price for the cost is only for the calcium reacot and not the CO2 and other parts in which I simply add on another $2-300 easy.

$300 skimmer isnt bad, but also this is to have for only a QT and nothing more for most of the time, there be little to no coral or fish. And the Tunze DOC Protein Skimmer, I seen that form a bnumber of suggestions and I just couldnt see it as an idea skimmer for my tank. A matter a fact, it look slike something from lost in space, LOL

Thanks again

Wow it looks like the lfs you are dealing with is just sucking you dry . Thats a bummer. Well this is a great place to get support from fellow reefers. Good luck on your journey man!
Jeff of fish world had sucked me dry and gave me nothing of what I asked for, but the equipment list and cost had nothing to do with any LFS, and I will get those slowly one at a time in the order they are needed

Good luck on your journey man!

And this journey for these tanks had already taking more then 7.5 ago when paying and planning them, and four years ago I moved and that Jeff person never kept his word and completed these tanks. So now his a lousy person to who any you who live in this area are best to do their own tanks and I hope that your not with any disabilities as I am :(

haha, i know the tunze skimmers look like a stupid toy... but they do actually kick some ass:)

i would agree with the idea that it's a waste of money to buy only deltec reactors, as i think you could spend half of that on other name brand gear and be just as happy.

also, for the 240g i would buy the ATI bm250:
2000 lph air, 600gph of water process, 21" tall, and only $769

we have it running on our 500g sps system at the store i work at, not a lick of algae anywhere, and superb water quality.

i noticed that website you posted wants almost double what the DAS skimmers cost from pet o rama
skimerwhisperer, The list as is is only if I cannot find some other high quality equipment, I paste this for that one reason for others to speak out one some other equipment that I might look into for there be time now in doing this. For im not to get the calcium reactor or a Kalk until the holidays are over and then I mover to the next two steps of my plan to get two phosphate reactors and lighting for the 180. Somewhere in between all that is the rebuilding of the 40 QT I now have in which is why I had in question of a possible skimmer for it.

Yes, I was first looking at the idea of the ATI bubble Master for both the 180 and 240 and yes, I seen picture results of the skimmer performance. I do appreciate the fact that you bring this idea back up for I can also go with the ATI bubble master skimmers for all three tanks.

I however am a bit funny in this, that I would rather get better then to have to worry if what I have will be as effective in the long term of the tanks. Im sure that you can understand my feelings in this matter for which in the last decade or more, I only used ER skimmers and up to that point, they never failed me.

It is however in what I am now looking to do and I not care to buy something that is $800 and soon after a few years end up feeling that I should had bought the better, or higher priced. I also know that higher price equipment not however can guarantee those better effectiveness/performances.

Still I like to remind you all that on the 180 and later date on the 240 are something I not thought to done until almost eight years ago and these plans were supposed to be into action more then three years ago and never were, due to that the tanks were never completed as they were supposed to be.

I can deal with any changed need for the tanks equipment, im totally open to all suggestions. I also heard better things on the Kalk reactor then that of the calcium reactor, for one that Kalk helps to better stabilized the tanks Ph.

I am as well running through ll the TOTM in RC to look for ideas, I am not looking to copy any hobbyist tank, only looking for ideas.

I see on the DAS EX-2 listed up to a 250 gal tank and also the DAS EX-3 Skimmer and is as the same and cost runs between the two of $439.99 and $699.99

Now the skimmer I so far selected from deltec is $645.00, now much extra spending there>

What is also good about the bubble master is that its height is lower then 24", no issues of it not fitting.

skimerwhisperer, I truly appreciate the time you giving me on this, and I only wish that their were many others who would make their opinions known for that too would help me a great deal. Here I am in looking to do a few things far different then I most done in past decades. I have no wish to buy something and I could had gotten something different and it would had cost less and giving my tanks the same effectiveness.

This isn`t a question for anyone here, being that I will now have three large reef systems, I am not desiding on a third pair of dwarf morays, to have one pair in each tank. If I were to go with either the chainlink or zebra, I would then have to setup another small tank for a QT for crabs.

On your 240, what size sump are you running on it? I am looking for as large a sump as 125 gal, but it also might be a bit under that, like around 100+
I just may go back to the idea of the ATI bubble master for both, the 180 and 240. And now that leaves the 150, do I still go with the Deltec AP600 for $645.00 and the ATI is less in cost for the Deltec for the 180
Now even if this is to change my idea of the type of skimmer I would get, I am still face off with the other equipment as well in this problem. If I was to run a simply soft coral system, I only would need a skimmer and calcium reactor and back then when I done this, I also dosed Kalk in the reservoir tank.

So is any who can share their opinions here, it would be helpful and photo would be a huge plus for this topic :)

Thank and yes, your thoughts here are helpful and are having me that I check for other equipment for these tanks, but we also need others to speak out about this and I wish they did ;)

Now I had post what equipment im planning to get or switch to as the tanks progresses forward. The selection again as is are;

Calcium Reactors > PF601 $752.00 "240"
Calcium Reactors > PF501 $651.00 "150"
Calcium Reactors > PF501 $651.00 "180"
Fluidized Reactors > FR509 $209.00
Fluidized Reactors > FR509 $209.00
Fluidized Reactors > FR616 $778.00 "240"
Kalkwasser Stirrers > KM500 $439.00
Kalkwasser Stirrers > KM500 $439.00
Kalkwasser Stirrers > KM500 $439.00
Protein Skimmers > APF600 $885.00 "180"
Protein Skimmers > AP600 $645.00 "150"
Protein Skimmers > AP702 $1,851.00 "240"

Now as of right this moment, only one person speaks out that I not need to simply get the high priced Deltec equipment, I even called this person long distance to speak with one on one, I live as you can see in Hillsborough NC and the person I called lives in Washington State.

That is how serious I am in trying to discover what I could best do here for i also told other through the years that they not needed to buy the most expensive or simply best on the line equipment for their tanks, but rather buy what works the best for what their in mind to accomplish. Myself for this matter is also doing something a bit differ from anything I done before, with the 180 and 240 that is.

Now, there is no one person who can know all the types of skimmers, calcium & phosphate reactors as well as Kalk reactors in which I read is supposed to do so much better for a reef tank. As well a Kalk stirrers which I might only get for the 240 gal tank, I not made my mind up as yet, but there is time and right now, as the person I spoke to on the phone, I need to get as many other ideas in this what I could possibly do.

The skimmer that Mark mention on the phone was not so differ in price to the deltec model im to get later on for the 150 and late last night, I even seen reactors costing more then twice as much, the phosphate reactors that is and people think that $200 is crazy. Now a $100 or so more and it holds more media and is to be better, I can deal with that. What is $100 or so in the scheme of things? Hardy nothing at all really, is it? I always told this through many a years that I would rather pay a feel more bucks and have something better then to go cheap wise.

Mark is going to think of some things in which he will bring to my attention and if something differ to the skimmer I will get, I would be needing to know of this real soon for the sump for the 150 is to be setup right now for the Deltec skimmer which is 11.5 by 8" in wight and being that the er skimmer the tank will start will is 9x9", the box area for the skimmer will be set for the deltec skimmer of 11.5x9"

Now these just happens to be a great many reactors out there and it would be great to hear ideas between the Kalk and calcium reactor and I do know of a number of hobbyists who are using both. I figure im to get one shot at this and im hoping for no further delays in the enjoyment of these tanks.

I even told Mark on the phone why the idea of having later on the Deltec skimmer AP702 for $1,851.00. For if the tank was ordered correctly, I still would had need of a skimmer that cost somewhat around $1200 and here im to spend when ready to start the 240 is another near $700. Now to have another stand build for the 240, its figured that it would cost somewhere near $2,000 and then were the labor to remove the other stand and as well the sump as well needs to be change to a custom build, all glass.

So that is how I came about to a near $1,900 skimmer and all that has to be done so it could fit is to cut the panel over the sump area giving the skimmer the extra head room of about 3"

Now Jeff for the time being had ruined this dream tank, but it will in later years rise again as a dream tank and those who take part in their best suggestion to equipment or so can feel later, also the joy from accomplishing something out of this "MESS" Because, if I was to do all these things on the 240, the stand, lights and sump, were not to count in the skimmer for then it could run me another $6-7,000 with labor. That is why I look for other ways around doing something as that and that is where the Deltec AP702 comes into play. Also, I did have the idea of the ATI bubble master which is priced so much less, now im quite sure the Deltec will do great, But is have to question myself of the ATI bubble master 250. The ATI would also fit without cutting the panel for the over head of the sump, so for now, being that I will have much time to debate this idea, the talk on this will come up again.

So let`s hear it from you younger people out there, or is it that you feel you cannot teach some old man any new tricks :rolleyes:

Im right this moment looking up on the Geo reactors and I found this one for a large reef tank, Geo 624. But its at a height of 29" and it wouldn't fit under either tank of the 180 or 240.

The Geo 618 is 24" in height and could be fitted under either of the tanks, the 240 for this reactor would also need to be fitted by cutting the over head panel of the sump.

Kalkwasser Reactor, Geo Kalk 618 22"

I see also at saltycritter that they offer Package deals>

Now I see what Brandt meant on the Scuran for he not spelled it right by leaving out the "H" LOL

Also I be taking a look at PRECISION MARINE Reactors>
Kalk, KR620 ?

Premium Aquatics GEO Calcium Reactor - 6 x 12> PA-GEO612 I already a reactor on the 180, how well it operates at this time isnt known, but if I see that a change is required, if not the deltec, then some other reactor.. But I need to set my goal and stick with it with not making so many changes.
As far as the skimmer goes, up till now I only used the Euroreef on all my tanks. That is why I have some ER skimmers just setting around collecting dust. So I not know so many other skimmers being that for the last 15 years if that, I only delt with the ER. But if it is that the skimmer price of the suggestions others can make not make all that much a difference, then I think I rather stick with the Deltec if there be no disagreement.

Also, I forgotten who suggested this, but should I only put my efforts in doing the 180 first (only)? The 150 will be put in and slowly I will change over the LR and sand bed from the 240 into the 150. I must admit, that if I were to attempt to stock both the 150 and 180 at the same time, I not know how smooth that would go and it would be so much simple to do one tank at a time, after all, I am on disability and have my financial limits, but still I wish to do the best I can in my tanks equipment. And even if i were to go with one tank at a time here, the situation can be delt with.

Now i know there is always those who agree and not, but im not hearing as much on the idea from a calcium and Kalk reactor, or if I should use both like a number who are, but i cannot get their views on this.

Even that I stuck it out till this point and still am getting ready to start even one tank after so long of delays what if the person who were first responsible to install these tanks, or if i had any number of changes through that waiting period. Which one of those changes were a few times for I was as sick as the thought be, was to call it quits and only because I trusted the wrong person to do this for me.

But my love and passion for the hobby prevails and besides, after soaking in so many thousands of dallors and just to quit is a sicken thought. So the passion remains and im still to do the final tanks of my hobbyist years and is why more so, I want to make that 240 as best as I can.

So in the Geo and PM reactors, I can make no solid choices there, being that I never used them before :(

So if any changes can be agreed upon, those who suggested other products really need to tell me why a Geo or so equipment be better to go with. I also not know if in the cost of the Deltec reactors if I need to add on another few hundred dallors for the CO2 and Regulator and whatever else I would need for this.

This is what I meant people by we need to stay in this part first of the tanks equipment or so for Im not ready as yet to ask things like suggestions for critters to best help clean the tanks DSB, or sump. I need to take this one step at a time and if I not hear from those of their best views to go with a Geo or so, the listing of each tanks equipment will stand as is.

So yes, I can mange the same with a cheaper phosphate reactor and if it make someone other thrn myself, which one then?

On the 240 when made ready;
Fluidized Reactors > FR616 $778.00 "240"
Kalkwasser Stirrers > KM500 $439.00
Calcium Reactors > PF601 $752.00 "240"
Protein Skimmers > AP702 $1,851.00 "240" (Other choice is the ATI bubble master 250 & is les then half the cost)
Now the ATI BM is good up to 500 gals or so, I seen a photo on ones tank and it lokk to be a good strong skimmer. But later if its a matter of extra insurance for the tanks bio load, I will have to go with the Deltec at this time.

So the skimmers aren't I believe are in question here by some, but rather the reactors. So now is the time for those to make their points and please list model and the equipment tank requirements. I am with an open mind here if something can be added to the thought on having and if its only a matter of costing me less then a $150, I not see to where the matter here. So it matters not im a disabled Vet and retired, and I retired a bit early then I wanted to. So if any further ides here, please lets hear it now. And again I like to Thanks those who assisted me in this matter a great deal and those few do know who they are.

I also seen phosphates for $450 or more, crazy> Well, i hope that I have that all cleared to what Im best looking for and if I come up against a close door on the subject, im just to get the deltec and nothing else, I need models and their links to help what im looking at, I Thank those for their time in the assistance they had giving me.

So now all I need to do is set me a plan of action on how I will stock these tanks. Thanks
