29 gallon Oceanic BioCube HQI

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Does anyone have one of these? I am looking into getting one and I'd like to see what people think about their new updated model before my purchase. It sure looks pretty!


Paul at Indoor Reef was showing me that setup, as I have a 29bc, and looking at mh options. I want to say he said around $500+. To me seems steep for what you could do with that money, but nice clean looking setup.
Paul at Indoor Reef was showing me that setup, as I have a 29bc, and looking at mh options. I want to say he said around $500+. To me seems steep for what you could do with that money, but nice clean looking setup.

Paul is actually the one hooking me up with said system. : ) I bug him about it everyday so I can get things rolling before the sale ends.

My big question is, is it really worth it to get this new set up or should I just get the old cube and make mods to it?
Paul is actually the one hooking me up with said system. : ) I bug him about it everyday so I can get things rolling before the sale ends.

My big question is, is it really worth it to get this new set up or should I just get the old cube and make mods to it?

In my opinion the latter...only because biocubes are becoming quite a bit cheaper used, and you can than fab up your own hood or even clamp lighting. I was blown away by the price he quoted, although a sweet system.
*On a side note were you in the store a couple weeks ago looking at a ricordia rock, and a rbta?
In my opinion the latter...only because biocubes are becoming quite a bit cheaper used, and you can than fab up your own hood or even clamp lighting. I was blown away by the price he quoted, although a sweet system.
*On a side note were you in the store a couple weeks ago looking at a ricordia rock, and a rbta?

Yes, I was. : ) I'm in there a LOT. Paul is actually looking into just trading pretty much straight across for what I have now. I have a 46 gallon and I don't really want to try to deal with moving that into an apartment in a few months so I am looking into going to the 29 gallon biocube and getting some seahorses. The only things about the new biocube that I'm not crazy about are that there is no actinic (I love how it floresces everything) and that the built in skimmer runs off an air stone. I do like there there is a fuge area and that it has a glass top though. I guess I could just add some LEDs to the halide fixture. I am a little concerned about how hot the halide will make the tank and how much light will "leak" to the sides of the tank instead of just going into the tank.
I ended up getting a standard 29 gallon biocube. Paul waited too long and the market dropped so he couldn't trade me straight across for the hqi model and it would have cost me an extra $500 bucks. I LOVE the new tank though. : ) No more topping off every day!
I ended up getting a standard 29 gallon biocube. Paul waited too long and the market dropped so he couldn't trade me straight across for the hqi model and it would have cost me an extra $500 bucks. I LOVE the new tank though. : ) No more topping off every day!

Yeah I don't believe you until I see pictures!! ;) I have a 14 gallon and I like it...but I can only like it as much as you can like a 14g tank...it's reeeeaaaaalllly limiting.
Yeah I don't believe you until I see pictures!! ;) I have a 14 gallon and I like it...but I can only like it as much as you can like a 14g tank...it's reeeeaaaaalllly limiting.

I'll go do that right now. : ) The 29 has the perfect amount of space for my needs. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
Yeah I don't believe you until I see pictures!! ;) I have a 14 gallon and I like it...but I can only like it as much as you can like a 14g tank...it's reeeeaaaaalllly limiting.

Pictures are now up on the last page of my build thread. Enjoy!! :D