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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2012
Vancouver, Washington


I think it looks ok. Just waiting for that nasty green to be gone. :mad:



No idea what they are. I've gone through like 1,000's of pics just comparing them to aiptasia, and majones. They don't look anything like I've seen. Suggestions maybe!


This is another hitch hiker, but haven't seen him since yesterday.


These are not micro bubbles lol. They are the amphipods that just appeared over night.

Well that's it for now. Hopefully everything settles down, or I don't have any concerns after my testing tonight
HTC tapatalk
In your 3rd and 4th pic, are those polyps coming out of that purple patch? Let mr know...In the meantime, I'll jump on my computer and post a picture of a coral I had that looks similar in nature although your pics are hard to tell. Give me a sec. :)

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Ahhhh....I can see it better from the pc. Check this out. First one is a finger coral (atleast that's what it was ID'd as, but not 100% sure). When the polyps are in, it looked like a purple stump.

And this one looks more like yours. I'd assume it's the same family/species. Might need a coral expert to id them if it looks the same. :)

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Yeah your second pic looks exactly like them. But they are pink pink. Is it a good sign they are coming out. Cause I haven't seen them in thee before

HTC tapatalk
The snail I'm assuming is a stomella. But the images I've looked up are brown and green. Sometimes with slight blue

HTC tapatalk
Yeah your second pic looks exactly like them. But they are pink pink. Is it a good sign they are coming out. Cause I haven't seen them in thee before

HTC tapatalk

Polyps come out to feed on whatever is floating around in the water. Some people argue that polyp extension is a sign of a healthy coral while others feel it's more like a hungry coral trying to get food. Regardless, the polyps need to extend to catch food so if they are coming out I'd take it as a good sign. If you blow off your rocks and get a nice detritus storm in there, chances are the polyps will extend to feed. :)

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That's exactly what I did man. I'm like amazed at everything seeming to come together, and things you say and I read connect.

HTC tapatalk
Josh what kind of sand is that? I have black sand but urs looks way better.

I need to get a thing of copepods for my tank. Or to stinkin build my fuge already

Sent from my Evo Shift
Josh what kind of sand is that? I have black sand but urs looks way better.

I need to get a thing of copepods for my tank. Or to stinkin build my fuge already

Sent from my Evo Shift

It's black caribbean with fine crushed coral, and white sand. Only thing is Krish was right. The fine settled to the bottom. But it looks good. The copeopods I think came from my live rock. Or macro algae.

HTC tapatalk
Oh also this isn't labeled reef sand. But it had parameters on it. That listed everything a reef sand bag would have on it. And They were the exact same. The coral collects a lot of diatom, So I syphon the sand about every 4 days, and I only suck up 2.5 to 3 gallons, then I stop, and add water, so I'm killing to birds with one stone. I think I'm going to get rid of two turbo snails, cause I basically had to save and emerald crab from my buddy, and I have 3 hermits, and 3 astrina snails. So the bio load might be to much right now.

HTC tapatalk
Oohh the syphon the LFS gave me is too big so when i do water changes i just use the little hose, not the gravel thing.
I only have a 29 crammed with rocks it seems like, and theres junk on my pretty black sand :(

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I have a 28 gallon jbj if you've seen my tank. This syphon I got from petco and it cost 15 bucks. It has a gravel guard and just picks up waste. And trust. I have the same build up on my sand. That's why I turkey bast and then syphon my sand. I do about 3 gal worth of syphoning, and then take a container to get detrius out of the water column. 5 gal in 30 minute water change

HTC tapatalk
Maybe ill try my syphon with the tip on it... I never actually have... I just assumed it was too big. You know what that means :/

Anyways. I need to keep my hands out of the tank for a few days see if things calm down. Ive had a few problems the last 5 days so im trying to clear things up.

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Reef, i shouldve went with leds from the getgo like i was going to, and now im kicking myself for not doing it..
Tanks like almost 2 months old.
Only reason my wifes nemo is in my tank is becausse he killed 2 of my peppermint shrimp i put in her tank to get rid of aptisia.

Its a slow process. Cant wait till the coralline takes over a bit.
And i shouldve painted the back :(
I have 2 frags of some pink hawaiian zoas... 2 kenya frags... Ones mia, he detached.
And a yuma i took from my wifes tank and fragged that was beautiful. And i lost 2/3s of the yuma. Thats why theres a petrie dish at the bottom.

I also cant wait for the dragons breath to take off :)

I really want to do a sump and leds soon. At the same time i want to step it up to a 75ish gallon

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