32 gallon custom rimless in progress.

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thanks =) yeah its coming along im just taking it slow because i want everything to be perfect if i wanted to i could have had this up and running months ago with crappy lights and skimmer/pumps lol but eh might as well wait a bit to have a really nice setup than a nice tank and crap everything
else..You guys think that this will be enough flow up top for the sps? im thinking im going to go with the 2 eheim 1260s 1 for closed loop that will be under the rock which has the spraybar with 6 openings all along the back of the tank and also one for the return that has 2 openings uptop im thinking it should be good as long as the return is pushing the water out at a decent flow and the closed loop will give a random indirect flow and keep all detrius suspended...
Looking nice!

I would consider first and foremost your intended inhabitants need for flow as opposed to making an arbitrary decision on flow just to have allot of turbulence. You can always blow off your rock or vacuum the substrate to keep detritus suspended as part of routine maintenance. Matching the tanks flow/turbulence to your corals needs will produce a healthier environment for the corals. Just keep in mind not all corals need heavy flow and not all corals in the ocean grow in areas of high turbulence.

It's looking awesome! It's gonna be quite the set-up...
yeah... i was thinking just in case i would get 2 1260s due to i can dial down the flow if needed cause i plumbed it all with shutoff valves so if the flow of either one is too high i can dial it down a bit to where it needs to be but if i were to get a lesser powerful pump and it not be enough or what i want cant really do much about it other then buy another one...
well ran into a problem today with what i was going to do...the eheim 1260 wont fit in the last chamber with the tunze 9010 now what im debating on doing is turning the middle chamber into just the skimmer and live rock area...and not having a refuge..not what i want to do but seems to be the only real option i have unless there is a smaller pump that has around the same power as the eheim 1260..anyone know if there is a decent one?
IMO that center chamber wont hold enough cheato to do that many great wonders for your tank anyway. I dont believe there is much smaller than the eheim. You could always drill the sump and use and external pump.
finally got the tank plumbed and ready for some new pumps thought this one that i bought would be good for the return but doesnt seem like it will its a lifegard Quietone 2200 supposed to move 581gph but sure doesnt seem like it so im thinking of going with the eheim's that you recomended skimmerwhisperer. ill get some recent pics up tonight with it filled up and running freshwater.

new equipment plans.

-Outer orbit 24" 150w hqi w/4 T5s (anyone seen these setup?)
-Tunze 9010
-Eheim 1260
-Eheim 1250

The Outer Orbit is sweet. I'd suggest changing out the halide for a Coralvue 20k or Reeflux 12k, Helios 20k, or Pheonix 14k. Any of these bulbs look better than the one it comes with. As for the pumps its a tough call. Mark is probably right on but it'll be tough to know for sure without trying them out. It looks like the closed loop feeds out of 3 (?) 1/2 outlets. You are not going to have much velocity out of all 3 with the 1260. You might bump that to a 1262. You can always dial it down. If you find the 1250 is inadequate for a return move it up to a 1260. We use a 1260 for the return on our 39 gallon Elos tank and its perfect.
Closed loop is out of (2) 1/2" holes and then goes through a spraybar. the middle one down is just for a brace support so i can stack rocks ontop. yeah i was thinking of putting in a 20k bulb in it once i get it up and running =) i like the more blue look with SPS and clams
very impressive! Us south end guys seem to all be doing the cubes these days.
Finally ordered my lights from aquacave.com tonight =) and getting my tunze 9010 skimmer from BRA this weekend =) ill post some pics once i get the lights probably be about a week or so then all i need is Pumps, sand and LR

anyone have any suggestions about sand type...live sand or araganite? i used Red sea reef base in my other tank i kindof want something finer and alot whiter...any suggestions trying to get (2) 20lb bags
finally got everything up and running and got the tank going through its cycle ordered a Tunze 9010 for it should be here tomorrow and also an RODI unit from T.F.G. here are a couple pics of it. still need about 20 lbs of live rock get that this coming weekend.


just got a good amount of frags last night and decided to take some pics havnt taken any since i got all my rockwork done so here they are =) still a work in progress.... but starting to come together :)

FTS 2/24/08



my wrasse =)


not sure what kind this is but its an aqua blue color sps =)





my yasha hashi goby


green slimer

ORA cali tort hasnt colored up yet just got from barrier

I think that the rocks are too close to the sides. It will make cleaning difficult.

Otherwise - Great!