35000 gallon shark tank questions ?

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i would but the law says i cant with out a 2500$ license and im to lazy to wait all day to catch the right size
You might look into lava rock for your wet/dry filter they work great for koi which have a huge bioload.
i am planning to do a huge 35,000 gallon salt fish only tank in my basement i have my skimmers already there 4 etss 5000 but i don't know what i should use as the filter but i plan to use 3 pool pumps for return and 3 or 4 pool drains
should i use a sand filter or a really big Sump
im going to use a combination of shop compact florescent light and 1000w metal halides
i already have the concrete poured for the tank and it needs 2 more weeks before i can fill it up
im going to have 2" thick glass panels 3' wide and 6' tall supported by a steel frame i have those in my garage so im committed to finishing this
please i really need help
its going to house
i want to house 2 black tip reef sharks (do you think this is a good idea?)
or 10 3' or 4' bamboo cats or epaulette shark(do you think this is a better idea?)

Must be a big basement. -- this is considerably bigger, by an order of magnitude, then your original plan of a 750. :rolleyes:
yes i decided the 750 would be a waste of money because id just want to upgrade anyways
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Id recommend you speak directly with bob fenner at wetwebmedia.com
the steel frame may or may not be a problem. Steel can severly disable a sharks sonar causing unusal smiw patters, eratic behaior, the inability to find food and even death. There has been large concrete tanks in zoos that were re-enforced with rebar and run into this problem. Lots on shark keepers even strive to use return pumps containing no metal components. on the flip side shark tanks should also be grounded as stray voltage can cause the same problems.
We had a local restraunt with a Black Tip in 650 gallon tank. 650gal was too small but 35000gal should work.

Have you concidered the humity issue of 35000 gallons of evaporating water in your basement yet? I can't believe how humid my basement is with a 360 reef. I have to keep the windows cracked all year round (including when it goes below 0 in the winter) and run a de-humidifier constantly.

If I remember correctly, Mr4000 took down his tank because of this. Plan for mosture. Good Luck, I can't wait to see some pics.
yeh humidity in a wooden house would be pretty bad
should of built your house out of bricks and morta
i hope you have no problems i know at aqwa (aquarium of western australia) they you big filter pads like materess size apperntly the smell of ammonia is pretty bad i would want to clean that filter
i can give u a number in australia to get port jackson sharks they are really nice and woobygones there was a great white in a local harbour couple weeks ago jaws style could of got you that one lol
have you consider bronze whaler sharks they are less aggresive dont get to big
ive seen a black tip in the wild it was 6 foot had a look at me from a distance away came close and swam off adrenilin rush
We had a local restraunt with a Black Tip in 650 gallon tank. 650gal was too small but 35000gal should work.

Have you concidered the humity issue of 35000 gallons of evaporating water in your basement yet? I can't believe how humid my basement is with a 360 reef. I have to keep the windows cracked all year round (including when it goes below 0 in the winter) and run a de-humidifier constantly.

If I remember correctly, Mr4000 took down his tank because of this. Plan for mosture. Good Luck, I can't wait to see some pics.

I figure about 250-300 gallons a day evaportation...where the heck is going to all go? --- heck of a top off problem, not to mention water bill.
There's a chain out here on the west coast called Pet Extreme. Their signature is a 1200g tank with a black tipped reef shark. They're found in the entrance to each store. The one near me has been there at least 3 years.
what the hell no pics

i just skimmed through the thread didnt read much, but when i see a 35000 gallon tank thread and no pics sorry but i think some 1 just wants attention


lets see something

sorry not trying to be a jerk but i was kinda wanting to see some pics

this thread is use less without the pics

at least let us see the stack of 100 dollar bills you have to pay for it with

lol, or the room or something

the proof is in the pudding
cool glad im not the only one here with a pic itor kick it rule here!!!


thanks for the back up!!!

now lets hope we dont have to put our foot in our mouth, hmmmm well actually im kinda looking forward to it cause some pics of a tank that size would be worth eating some toe jam!!!

This is the fourth forum I know of to ask him for pics with no luck, google "35000 gallon shark tank questions"....