36-40 watt U.V. Sterilizer

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Sep 6, 2006
Hillsborough NC
Here we have the next topic for the rebuilding of my 240 gal reef tank, something that came up when i ask my aquarium man on what other equipment should I be looking for, and the equipment part he mention is a U.V. Sterilizer. Now the tank is 240 gals and the sump will be a 125 gals, im thinking I want to be looking for is a 36-40 watt U.V. Sterilizer, is my assumption correct? And which is the best to have?

40W Classic UV Sterilizer 3/4" NPT w/o Wiper (Aqua UV)

40W Classic UV Sterilizer 3/4" NPT w/Wiper (Aqua UV)

40W Classic UV Steril. 2" Port w/Wiper (Aqua UV)


I taking notice of one thing different with the models here, some are with wiper and without it. What is the difference between the two?
Who can even suggest other U.V. Sterilizers, your suggestion be most welcome

This part is nothing to do with this topic, its about the overflow and bulkhead that if it should be impossible to be made larger, then I would need to look into another return pump, or two return pumps as James was first suggesting about, only I not want the quiet one or the eheim pumps.

There are only two that really work as a germkiller on the market.

This one runs my 300 gallon tank with a 100 gallon in the Sump / Refug. I almost sold it until I ran my tank without it.

40 Watt Wave http://www.wlimproducts.com/products/10009/index.php. $369.00 if I remember right. Should be able to order through your local store for cheaper then the web price. Also your local store should be able to order the bulbs at $59.00 instead of the $76.00 on their website.

Whatever you do just make sure the unit you get has a Quartz Sleeve and is a germicide bulb.

The wiper feature is to wipe the bulb / Quartz Sleeve off during operation. Which you will not need if the unit is working as it should. How can algae and germs build up on something that is to kill them?

I have been running UV's since mid 90's and never had a wiper. If you get build up on the Quartz Sleeve or bulb you need to replace the bulb not wipe it off.

Hope this helps
Also, keep in mind that the UV sterilizer (especially one that size) will also kill *beneficial* microfauna like plankton, copepods, etc. Don't plan on having a mandarin goby alongside lots of other 'pod eating livestock unless your refugium is totally seperate from the main filtration loop / UV skimmer, otherwise the only purpose your refugium will serve is to grow macroalgae like chaeto for nutrient export. That said, I'm also going to put a large UV sterilizer or two on my 360g display / 150g sump, but you have to plan your livestock a bit more to accomodate the sterilizer's use :)
I have a mandarin goby and I do not have issues. It is only going to kill what goes through the system. What says in the tank will be fine. Also if you put it before your refugium and use a ball valve to slow the flow down then you would be sending more into your tank then going through the filter anyways.
That's mostly how I've set mine up on the 100g with my mandarin. On my new system the refugium will be fed directly from a small pump after my skimmer and gravity drain back down after the sterilizer near the return pump. As I mentioned, the concern would be if he has lots of things that feed on microfauna like the 'pods (wrasses, mandarin, etc) and doesn't plan the location of the sterilizer which would likely deplete the supply of critters that can grow in the display itself pretty quickly. As long as it's all planned out properly he shouldn't have any problems with it other than normal cleanings and replacing bulbs every few months :lol:.
I also want to experiment with an Box O' Aiptasia type filter (a small acrylic tank with base rock and nothing else) seperate from both my sump and refugium with a large UV sterilizer on the drain pipe back to the sump / return pump. Might be interesting!
Again we are talking with a 40W U.V. Sterilizer rating on a 350 to 400 gallon system

Another option is to only run the U.V. Sterilizer as needed, again depending on where you place it.

If you run this on your overflow then remember the recommended flow rate for aquariums for algae is 590-990 gph. Meaning you are not going to kill everything off the faster you run the water through it. If you wanted to kill everything off you would need to slow the water down to about 200 GPH. This is why I changed my design tonight.

I changed mine to run off the overflow drain. I was running about 1000GPH through the overflow before this change. I have 5 foot head pressure on a mag12 for the return, again I was going for the slow through the sump affect when I designed this so I could skim longer. With this I should be looking at 1100 GPH running through my overflow system if the pump does not feed anythign else.

Since I do have it running other things this is how it breaks down after tonights design change about, 50 GPH feeding other equipment, 100 to 150gph to the refugium and about 900 to 950 through the overflow. This should put me within the limits to kill the algae, saving the copepods for the critters and fish to feed off of. I guess we will wait and see. If I am not killing the algae and I need to slow it down I can always open the refugium ball valve a little bit more making it pump less into the tank and slowing down the return flow.

I also replaced the old bulb with a brand new one so I do not have to touch it for about 9000 hours (1 year) if I run it 24 hours a day which after the next 21 days I will cut it down to 12 hours a day and see how it goes. If everything goes as planned I will not have to change the bulb for a year and half.

Do you have plans of using an Aqua Controller or other like equipment? I would HIGHLY recommend using one on large tanks. If you do this then you can set up your U.V. Sterilizer to run for a few hours a day so you are not killing 100% of everything.

Hope this helps you choose the right equipment for yourself
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