360 Gallon Tank and Sump Layout....

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The R/C Man

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
Spokane WA
Hey Everyone!

Well the acrylic for the "big" project is on the way and should be here tomorrow. :D So this weekend I will get some wood and foam for the top of the stand. I also need to pick up some paint to seal the wood. Hopefully the tank assembly will commence soon. After I finish building the tank it will be on to the sump.

Here is the link to the plans for this project.
Please look it over and feel free to to make suggestions. I want to be sure all the bugs are worked out before I start buying stuff..... Thanks!!!!
What is the location of the equipment vs the tank?

I think that the Iwaki 100 for the return to the tank, may be way overkill as a return. And just create excessive noise in the overflows (even with Durso's).

Perhaps use a smaller pump for the return to the tank and make the sea swirls and the Iwaki 100 a second closed loop (if you need the flow).

Just a thought :)

Dave B
I just noticed in your diagram that the skimmer effluent has to run uphill to the sump... Is this just the photograph or part of the plan. Cause you want to raise the skimmer so the water falls out of it.

Dave B

All the equipment will be located under the tank. Unfortunately nothing is to scale on the drawing. Yes the skimmer "out" will be even with or above the sump.....

I am extremely conscious of noise from my tank. I think the Iwaki 100 is going to create a bunch of noise from the pump, a bunch of noise from the overflows, and a bunch of noise returning to the sump.

If it was my setup (which is 96x33x26) I would change the Iwaki 100 to a Small Sequence or Dolphin. Something of 1200 to 2000g. I would have that pump return to just 1 single outlet in the tank.

With the money you are saving not buying or running the Iwaki you could probably run a pair of Sequence pumps on the closed loops.

Then use a larger Sequence for the Oceans Motion and the swirls - I heard a Sequence Barracuda this past week and was really impressed by how quiet it was.

The rest of your diagram looks good. One thing you might contemplate is having one of the closed loop outlets (or even 2) come straight up through the bottom of the tank.

The amazing effects of upswelling current is great. I flow of water from the bottom to the top of the tank, causes the water to fall upon itself, and create outward bound waves. This has a great effect on the corals.

Just this past weekend Daniel Knop was visiting and I was showing him my experiments with upswelling current. He was really impreseed, and was going to go try some of his own thoughts on this.

Dave B

You know I was never to worried about the noise until I had all the fans and everything going on my current tank. It really is pretty loud. The Durso's are going to be complimented by a second pipe. The idea will be to have the smaller pipe (the durso on the diagram) completely full and the second pipe adjusted so the water just flows in at the surface. I saw this done on a tank at a local club meeting this last weekend and it worked great. It was very silent, had almost no bubbles entering the sump and skimmed the surface of the overflow box so there wasn't any film on the surface....

I always thought that the Japanese Iwaki's where supposed to be quiet. Although that is just based on hear say. I haven't been able to compair them for myself. That could be a new test for someone. Measuring the decible levels of different pumps and making a comparison.... Hmmm.

Your up flow idea is interesting. Are you saying the plumbing will be under the sand? If so how will that effect the sand bed? Will it be able to do its job? What about sand sifting gobies and other critters that rely on it for food?.... I can always make a couple of returns lower in the tank and point them upward to get a similar effect....

I run dual 2" Custom Durso's in my overflow. But with a 28g surge every 90 secs there is no film anywhere. I oversize everything. Anything subject to adjusting for flow is just a nuisance for my laziness in the future.

For the upflowing. Just put a nipple on the end of the bulkhead to the upwelling is just about the height of your sand. Then your sand bed remains undistrubed.

Yes Iwaki are not quiet pumps -- LOL

Dave B

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