4 days running urchin- no real foam yet..

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Barred Morey
Jul 15, 2007
Seattle, WA
Well, its been sitting down there since monday afternoon. It was new, and I rinsed it really good with hot water, used mild soap on the colletion cup and rinsed it super good for a few minutes, and soaked it in fresh hot water and rinsed it again. It said (will take a few days to start producing foam in large quantities) or somthing close to that. Well, 4 is a few. I can see that the cup itself doesn't fit snug on the sides, there is a gap on both edges, not huge, but perhaps some silicone would make it tighter(better?)

but I am not going to start messing with it yet, I may send it back. I bought It beacuse nothing else would fit down there, and it does only have the maxi0jet for now, which I opted for beacuse I know I need some maxi jets and I was low on money, but it should be working ok, if not good with that pump. My p.o.s. hang on uses a bad motor but pulls out a good ammount of crud daily on my 20g.

anyone know if everything is normal and I need to wait or what?
well, it will take at least a week to break in properly, but unfortunately it doesnt ever skim very well, especially with a maxi-jet 1200 on it, you can mod a bakpak to skim better. you can mod the remora too but it's not nearly as easy...i'll be posting a thread soon:)
I hope with a better pump it will work somewhat ok.. I was really limited with the cabnet size. With a T-connection, and 2 mjs this would work better, would it not? Have it pulling from both sides of the sump?

what about that gap I was talking about, do you know what I was refering to?
i wouldnt upgrade to 2 pumps, i would get just one larger pump, like a mag 7,
or eheim 1260, and a valve to adjust the flow. and as for the gap around the collection cup, yes it is loosing a little power there, but i wouldnt silicone the skimmer...mabye a rubber band?
im almost done with my modding so i will be posting soon, im just trying to match up the right nw/mesh pump right now to my remora pro, sedra 2500, too little, sedra 3500, too big...so still looking for the best match:)
im thinking that for the regular size remora/urchin that the 2500 will be good, but need to do more testing, i want to more than double the performance.
Looking forward to seeing how that works out!

Its hard to tell whats working in my tank, its lack of fish makes it hard to tell if its working well or not.