4 Questions: Calendar, acrylic polish, mentor & seahorses Oh MY!

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2012
Issaquah WA
Hi guys,

Thought I would condense four questions into one post. :)

1. Hey are we going to have a 2014 reef calendar this year? Huh? Are we? Are we? I would be happy to compile if needed.

2. Looking for a 'simple acrylic polish' product. I don't have gobs of hand tools and a work shop or lots of time. Is there something I can dab out of a jar with a soft cloth and just polish the acrylic with it? maybe rent a small buffer?

3. Since Earl decided the grass was greener on the other side of the pond and abandoned me (love ya man :D ) I am hoping to find another mentor close by to oversee my tank and give me pointers. My current tank is healthy and not a train wreck but I want to do more. I just picked up a 50 gal acrylic tank with a funky sump that has these cubes/blocks as part of the mechanical filtration system. I want to start fine tuning my set ups without going to MIT and getting a Masters in plumbing.

4. Looking to start a Seahorse/Mandarin tank and before you guys jump all over me and tell me all the negative stuff and how they aren't for everyone and I need to live in a nunnery for the next five years to learn about seahorse care, I am doing due diligence and checking out websites (Ocean Rider), getting books, and visiting blogs (Ray's Reef). I was hoping to find someone local that I can visit and pick their brain on SH care. It's called RESEARCH and I am just doing REASEARCH, that's all.

Thank you and GO HAWKS !
#2 is easy. Just get yourself the Novus system at TAP plastic's in Bellevue. It is a 3 part kit, Heavy scratch Remover, Fine scratch remover, and a cleaner. Also get one or two of Tap's micro fiber polishing cloths. About as simple as it gets. Might cost you 15.00 if you get the small containers. Good luck, J
Last time iI looked, sierra had novus on the shelf. The good thing about getting it at tapp plastics though is they are pretty good at talking you through it, and usually have some scrap laying around for cheap or free you can use to practice on.. if you need that that is.
I did a boat load of seahorse research, and that was enough to scare me off..the real kicker was the temp difference that basically meant iI couldn't plumb the tank in with my existing tanks... some people ignore the temp thing, it just didn't seem like something iI wanted to chance with ponies at stake...
#4 I can't be much help with pointing you to anyone I know is currently keeping the "horses" but you're on the right track with checking out Ocean Rider. I was able to visit the farm in person while I was on the Big Island a month ago. They run a quality operation and are doing really good things there for the conscientious breeding of seahorses. I'd like to have some someday as well. If you have any questions about the farm, I might be able to answer them, but I imagine most of that info is readily available on their site. Good luck with the research.