400watt mh

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mark peacock

Mar 28, 2006
Hi i do not want to sound stupid but what effect would a Hydroponic Grow Lamp 400 watt 20k metal halide bulb do to my reef if i had this as my reef bulb, the reason is that i am having algae problems and it only since i had changed my bulb and i think i had purchased the wrong bulb.

I have been scratching my head trying to figure out why all of a sudden i have one hell of an algea problem [ seamoss like algea] my perameters of my reef are ok just could not understand why!
so i check what i had done over he past 12 months or so and that was the only thing i had done differently
Is your bulb a aquarium 20K. Your nutrient levels have to be elevated to support the algae.

my reading are as of yesterday
amonia 0
nitrite 0
phos 0
magnes 1250
calcium 450
nitrate 2
i run phosphate and nitrate remover 24/7
salinity 1.025
temp 26.1
fish and corals are fine except one table coral well thats what i call it which seems to be dying off everything else is fine.
Maybe have your water tested elsewhere. Algea doesn't do well if your nutrients are that low. FWIW N remover don't work in seawater.
