A whole new dimension!!!

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Well, it's time for the next step in our journey of Reef Keeping Evolution!!

Last time, we took a step into a much smaller tank, with Angie's 24 gallon Aquapod Nano. This time, we'll be taking quite a large step in the opposite direction. In the coming weeks, I'll be taking and posting pictures of our progress as we start this new leg of our journey.

Okay, enough suspense, here's the details <drum roll please.......>

200 Gallon Deep Dimension with a Starphire glass front panel!! Dimensions are 48" wide X 36" deep X 27" tall. Yes, you read that right, 36" front to back!!! Barbie, at Aquariums Solutions, made us a screaming deal (really, Angie screamed) on it that we just couldn't say "no" to, although Angie mighta tried a time or two.

That's all the details for now, but stay tuned!!! Hope to start building the stand this week.
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Wow! Very cool!! We will definetly be tagging along for this one! And 36".... Thats going to be awesome for some wrock scaping and some nice coral growout!
of course she made you a deal :) you will be buying a crapload of things to stock it from her. Most LFS (the smart ones) have very little mark-up on tanks because they know you will come back for the real mark up items that go with it.

gonna be an awsome tank for sure, you guys do nice work cant wait !
Wow, so how many/what tanks will you be running now? Where's it going to go in your house?
The plan is to do some re-arranging...lol. The 200 will go where the computer desk currently is and the computer desk will move around the corner and go against the wall with the windows, that face east. Since some of you have been here, I'm hoping you can follow along and picture what I'm trying to describe...lol. All the livestock from the 75 and most livestock from the 46 will go into the 200. The 75 and 46 will then be eliminated. The 40 breeder will go where the 75 currently is, and Angie's Aquapod will go where the 40 breeder currently is, but probably be situated in the corner, at an angle.

During this process, we're also planning on making some lighting changes on the 40 and maybe adding a sump to it. If we do this, we'll use the HOB overflow that's currently on the 75. That sump would also double as more frag room for soft corals and LPS.

I forgot the mention that the 200 deep dimension is drilled with corner overflows and will have good sized sump/refugium under it.

I'm also designing the stand to have room for the sump/refugium, an ATO system, and a Calcium Reactor. I may even design the sump/refugium to be able to house LPS and soft corals. I haven't decided if I'll use an acrylic sump that's available or a 40 gallon breeder that I would design a sump/fuge out of.

Lighting, for the 200, will probably consist of our 6 bulb Tek5 fixture and 2 MH pendants that will hang behind the Tek 5. (this is still a little "up in the air.")

Once everything is complete, the tanks we'll have will be the 200, Angie's Nano and the 40 breeder, with room to grow...lol. Who knows what will happen after that. I've already got a 29 set up in the "dungeon" temporarily. Maybe it'll become permanent or be upgraded also...lol.
could just hook the 40 and the 24 into the same sump and use the same skimmer ;) then again depends what you want to run in them i guess.
LOL I haven't posted any pics yet, because I don't have anything to take pics of yet. Hoping to get the tank here in the next few days and start building the stand. Then the pics will be flying.

Some of our fish will go into the 40 and some will be sold or traded. As for a fish list, here's what we already have, that will move into the 200. I'm still debating on our Yellow Watchman Goby and Tiger Pistol Shrimp. They've been causing HUGE headaches in the tank lately, with their digging and burying of corals on the sand bed. They may end up in the 40.

Pair of Black occellaris
Scribbled Rabbitfish
Yellow Tang
Mandarin Dragonette
Starry Blenny
Pair of Benghai Cardinals
Hectors Goby
Twin Spot Hogfish
3 Cleaner Shrimp
3 T. crocea clams
1 T. derasa clam
1 T. maxima clam
I think I'm missing one or two...lol.

Future fish possibilities:

Another Tang or two. Leaning towards one of them being a Sailfin (still very undecided on what types and these would be introduced while moving existing Yellow Tang into new tank)
A few Anthias
Pyramid Butterfly (maybe)
A 6 Lined Wrasse, to replace ours that recently jumped
Another clam or 5...lol.
Who knows what else.....lol. Our future fish list is still very much in the planning and debating stages.
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Hey Mike if ya need any help with anything let me know, always good to have another wood butcher to help along....lol
ps...dont forget to check the joists under the flooring, I know your house is a bit on the older side:)