500 gallon cube redone with pics

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2006
Well it started out simple enough, sitting down having a drink with Wil from Reef Mystique. Conversation turned to my tank and then the dreaded question that Wil asked me. If you could change one thing in your tank, what would it be? Well the pen and paper came out and the list grew, the thoughts of changing my tank went though my head. Over and over, do it, do it, do it. So I did it, I contacted Wil and told him what I wanted to do. First word out of his mouth were "your crazy" Well 3 weeks later and hundreds of hours it 95% done. Only trim work left on the canopy. When I had the tank build the room it was in was huge, we then moved several months later and the room was a bit smaller with a fireplace in it. I had the center tower removed by Brian at IAP, he also added to coast to coast over flows. Awesome work by the way. Anyways I had the center tower removed and completely redid the close loop. I had the close loop pump upgraded to a horizon 3500 gph pump. I had the genX 1800 gph running my wavy seas switched to a horizon 5000 gph, it is a close loop system also. I had Wil change out my old nasty reflectors to Lumenarc III reflectors, he was able to squeeze 6 under the canopy. I hated having to look down at my corals so I had Wil contact Max a local carpenter to redo my stand. Out went the pine stand and canopy to a nice dark oak that matchs the hardwood floor in my house. Stand was lifted from 30 inches to 40, canopy was raised from 14 inches to a full 24 inches. Wil swapped out my red sea sand to argonite. Will added another 80lbs of jarkarta live rock to even out the tank. I know there are many other tanks out there much nicer than mine, but this one is my piece of heaven. Hope you like it. Thanks Wil @ reef mystique, Max, Josh you guys have been more help than you know.

Here are some before and after pictures.



I can sure appreciate the effort!!! Keep us posted! BTW how did you like your old center overflow design?
bloody awsome mate love the angels in there and a tank big enough for a full grown sailfin that will be really nice aye great stuff
i love the emperors the juvi and the adult! my favorite fish=)

oh yeah.. i guess the rest of the tank is sweet too

ummyah looks really sweet=)
Nice Upgrades. I don't think people realize what a difference a tall stand makes. A tank does not have to be real deep, if it is near eye level. Lumenarc III's, I am jealous!

I heard you talking about this monster at Reef Mystique, it is fun to see some pictures of it.
Very nice.. your logon "8mycash" is very fitting :D :D :D I was eying that LR at Reef Mystique a couple months back -that's some nice stuff.

Jason- couldnt' agree with you more on the taller stand. That's on my "if I had to do it over list too"
I liked it, but I like my coast to coast better. Tank is silent now.

Interesting. I have to say my center overflow as well as the whole system has been designed with silence and reliability as the two top priorities. I have to say that Jason at Clear Fabrications has achieved this. My center overflow makes almost zero noise so I am very happy.
Interesting. I have to say my center overflow as well as the whole system has been designed with silence and reliability as the two top priorities. I have to say that Jason at Clear Fabrications has achieved this. My center overflow makes almost zero noise so I am very happy.

My over flow was nearly silent, I wanted more water turn over. Being that my tank is near 600 gallons of total water I wanted a higher turn over, taller stand and more surface area.
Aha... I have gone with 4 1in CL intakes and 8 returns to get my circ up. You however, are moving twice as much water as I.
Lookin good! Next time I'm up there I'll have to stop by. That was a brain storm of interesting engineering to say the least and I would like to see it in person. I'm glad it seems to be working out.
Lookin good! Next time I'm up there I'll have to stop by. That was a brain storm of interesting engineering to say the least and I would like to see it in person. I'm glad it seems to be working out.

Give me a call, your welcome to stop by anytime.