We received another beautiful Australian Shipment along with Vanuatu fish today. We just finished unpacking...nice stuff!
1-acan hillae
1-large acanthastrea bowerbanks ultra (purple and green)
1-acanthastrea bowerbanks regular grade
1-acan lord grade a
1-acan lord grade b
2-ultra grade elegance (they thrive)
2-ultra chalice (one is purple w/ green eyes the other is green w/ orange eye)
2-prism favia (yep...the purple and green ones/will be fragging one tuesday eveing)
1-goniastrea moon coral (sweet!)
1-pink maze brain goniastrea australensis (imagine a pink platygyra)
2-plating montis
1-moseleya latistellata (perfect round mound)
1-black opal ricordea (maybe blue/purple rhodactis...can't tell yet)
1-ultra scollymia (neon green/orange)
1-micromussa grade a
1-micormussa grade b
1-torch coral
1-neon green lobophyllia
6-purple queen anthias (3 sold)
6-female squamipinnis anthias
3-male squamipinnis anthas
1-bicolor angel
1-cute 2" regal angel
1-swallowtail angel
1-male flasher wrasse
1-cirrhilabrus condei pair fairy wrasse
1-sunset lunare wrasse
2-red christmas wrasse
1-acan hillae
1-large acanthastrea bowerbanks ultra (purple and green)
1-acanthastrea bowerbanks regular grade
1-acan lord grade a
1-acan lord grade b
2-ultra grade elegance (they thrive)
2-ultra chalice (one is purple w/ green eyes the other is green w/ orange eye)
2-prism favia (yep...the purple and green ones/will be fragging one tuesday eveing)
1-goniastrea moon coral (sweet!)
1-pink maze brain goniastrea australensis (imagine a pink platygyra)
2-plating montis
1-moseleya latistellata (perfect round mound)
1-black opal ricordea (maybe blue/purple rhodactis...can't tell yet)
1-ultra scollymia (neon green/orange)
1-micromussa grade a
1-micormussa grade b
1-torch coral
1-neon green lobophyllia
6-purple queen anthias (3 sold)
6-female squamipinnis anthias
3-male squamipinnis anthas
1-bicolor angel
1-cute 2" regal angel
1-swallowtail angel
1-male flasher wrasse
1-cirrhilabrus condei pair fairy wrasse
1-sunset lunare wrasse
2-red christmas wrasse
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