6-line wrasse... DEAD

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I like to qt fish a shade over 3 weeks (3 weeks past any sign of a problem). Just past the life cycle of ick.
It wouldn't hurt to have a small amount of flow in the water.
Usually the bio-filter provides that.
Mine is a sponge filter powered with a air pump.
I have used a small back filter before, like the small aquaclears.
They also need cover, something to hide in or behind.

im sorry im reading this laughing... not at the fish dieing, but the reply's.

1.5yrs on a fish's life, is nothing to brag about... 15 years is 20 years. look at paul, he's had some fish for almost 30 years. With out detailed info on the system. perameters of the water it left, and the water it enterd, were all pissing in the wind.

the point of a Qt, is simply to stop unwanted things entering your confined system.
a single fish, or anything wet from anther system has the potential to have meny different types of bacteria or pathogens. Some will effect fish others will effect coarl.

Have a tank for 2 years isnt saying much.. the name of the game is zero death. not "i have money and can/feel alright buying fish to replace fish"

your success with reefing is based, on the longevity of your inhabitants, Think of them as your Dog.

going back to the dead wrasse.... damn im sorry to hear this... 5 days eh? did he eat? did you feed him? did you notice anything in your tank change?

on the other note, when you add a single fish 2 a system, large or small... there are immediate and long term changes that are going to acure

hypothetical speaking the wrasse, had something on it.. a bacteria infection of the gills, you couldn't see when u got it.... the fish was introduced 2 a system.. that was more favorably for this bacteria to grow.... and less favorably for the fish 2 live.

so the bacteria had its way killing its host and being released in 2 your system after death. now putting the rest of your fish at risk....

qt is protection, not useless

sooner or later people always come 2 understand why a QT is importent

Only thing i see funny is how you managed to misinterpret what i wrote, i'm not bragging about having a fish for 1.5 years (does anyone really do that??), i'm just stating the importance of knowing where your fish came from, how it was handled/treated and taking a long good look at it before you purchase (as Myteemouse said).Obviously this is the most important thing to start with. My emporer that lasted 2 weeks was a bad purchase on my behalf and no ammount of QT would have saved him.

It is just my own opinion that QT is unneccessary, i'm not saying it is good or bad, right or wrong, it's just my opinion and from my experiences, unneccessary. If people choose to QT, i won't advise against it, it is their choice and not a wrong one, but to me not a right one either.

Anyway, if i ever have an unfortunate event with a fish and QT DEFINATELY would have prevented it, i will eat my words, setup a QT tank and tell all of you i was very very wrong, but until then......
OK I had ruled out the pistol as my problem, but I think he is a killer. I just found my dwarf angel dead and his head sticking into the hole of the pistol shrimp. I thougt at first the current pushed him there, but I think the pistol killed him and was munchin on him.

I also just lost my lawnmower blenny the other day. Just up and dissapeared. I bet hes in the hole as well.

There are 2 possible things that I can see happened.

1. They both got sick, died and made there way to the pistols burrow?? I thought the lawnmower was a real hard fish?? Ive had him for about 2 weeks. The angel Ive had for about a week.

2. My pistol is a killer. I have a shrimp goby that he hates also? I thought they loved those guys??

I think I will have to dig that bastard out. I am sick of loosing fish and there isnt anything else tha I can see as the problem.
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I am sick of loosing fish and there isnt anything else tha I can see as the problem.

I don't blame you, spending money on stuff that isn't around long sucks.

Looks like the problem started when you added a fish without putting it a q-tank, the six-line.

I'm not ruling out the shrimp as the guilty one, but I can tell you that if you start using a q-tank, you won't be adding sick fish to a healthy tank.

How do the remaining fish look and act?
I actually set up a 29 gallon today that Im going to use as a qt for all new stuff.

Tank has been up around 5 months or so.

I have both the strips to check water and the other kind. I mostly use the strips for the nitrate/rite. I put in a 10 gallon sump and its full of chaeto and the red stuff.

Everything else looks great in my system. I got 5 small cleaner shrimp I just found living in my canister filter. (Its empty by the way with some LR rubble in it)

My mandarin looks healthier than when I got him. My clowns are good, babershop good.

I have a rock anemone that Ive had since the biggining that looks good. I think that I either got fish that look fine and suddenly die, OR my pistol is one SOB. Did I mention he was trying to pull the whole dwarf angel into his hole??

Maybe they were sick.?/. I put in a algae sheet a couple times, but they never were interested in it. I thought that was kinda odd.
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Keep in mind that it's very possible that the pistol shrimp was eating the dead remains of your fish. It's highly unlikely that a pistol shrimp is killing all of these fish. IMO, something else is killing them and the pistol shrimp is doing what comes natural and scavenging.

Yea I just cant figure out what though. Im going on the night hunt tonight to see if something nasty comes out.. I dont know what else to do. Except move the pistol and see what happens.
Any way you can get the Pistol shrimp out and put him in that QT tank and watch to see what happens with the remaining fish? I just wonder if it is him that would kinda tell you if it is or isnt. I would also recommend using the liquid Tests those strips are just too inaccurate. I have also learned the hard way I had a power outage and needless to say it was shortly after a few days later and.... Ich broke out in my tank I ended up losing alot of fish some that I really loved and after that I decided to set up a QT/Hospital tank. I feel the pain this just happened over Xmas time and one of the fish lost was a Xmas present for hubby so yeah it hit hard but you are doing the right thing setting up that QT tank :)
Sorry to hear about your loss on the fish(es). Just to chime in on the Guarantee on livestock.

We as a store do not have a guarantee on livestock due to the simple fact that once the fish is purchased from us we do not have any "control" over how that fish is handled. I am sure that every precaution was handled correctly in this case but it protects us the retailer from someone "mis-handling" livestock and demanding a refund for the fish that was perfectly healthy when it left the store.

The other issue we have had in the past is if you have a 24hr guarantee, what happens after 24 hrs, people then want a 48hr. If you have a 48hr guarantee, people want a 72hr guarantee so on and so on. When would it stop. Also as a retailer we do not get any guarantee form our particular suppliers they supply "live arrival" only and will not guarantee any later die-off incurred.

As for signs being posted all over the store, that is just to protect us and to inform our customers of our in-store policy. We have found over the years that most retail stores seem to offer the same policy.

We would love suggestions or comment. (Constructive only please!!!:))