6 months after going BB and making process chnages

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air bubble filtration

ldrhawke said:
There nothing you will find to read for research. It is my idea. It was simply based on close observation during water changes. The excess air bubbles improved waste particle removal and excess slime removal from some SPS by attaching bubbles so it is floated up and over the over flow. It is similar to the effect you would get from dissolved air flotation in treating primary waste in a waste water treatment plant.

There is no risk that I can ascertain. In fact, when you use it with stonger flow rates, to help remove settleout waste from the bottom, it not only helps to re-suspend settled waste, but it make bacterial food available for SPS and other coral from the bacterial mulm settled out.

I have been using it for awhile now and have observed no negatives and only positives. I have varied timing from 3 times a day to 12 times a day. I am back to 3 times a day now, because I felt it might have been doing too good a job of removing nutrients if used more often.


On second thought, fine bubble filtration does have a negative. For it to work, you need to change out the media that collects the waste more frequently. If you don't, the filter starts to dump nitrates back into the system. I change out and toss the filter floss every couple of days, even if I am not adding vodka. At least have an over sized skimmer that can grap a lot of the waste put back into suspension.

What I call bubble filtration really isn't much different that what happens naturally on some reefs during tidal changes and having waves break on the reef.

can you explain who you build it and what i need to creat this.

first thanks for the replay.

i want to know if this id the filter and how exactly you connect it . the reason i ask i want to add 90 or 150 gallon tank (pre drill) and to make it reef fish.

i read about the bb tank and i saw one like this i am not sure if this the correct things to do or not . i want to buy euro reef skimmer - cs61 or the mrc2. i want to add fuge (40 - 50 ) gallon.

i have already the lighting system :Aquaspacelight 2 250w DE HQI + 2 24w PC. Metal Halide .

before i will buy the tank i want to know if it will be better to have 1 over flow or 2 over flow for this system.

i want to know what will be better to run this "bubble fine filtration" or what i need to add any suggest about pump or different item

thanks again

mavgi said:
first thanks for the replay.

i want to know if this id the filter and how exactly you connect it . the reason i ask i want to add 90 or 150 gallon tank (pre drill) and to make it reef fish.

i read about the bb tank and i saw one like this i am not sure if this the correct things to do or not . i want to buy euro reef skimmer - cs61 or the mrc2. i want to add fuge (40 - 50 ) gallon.

i have already the lighting system :Aquaspacelight 2 250w DE HQI + 2 24w PC. Metal Halide .

before i will buy the tank i want to know if it will be better to have 1 over flow or 2 over flow for this system.

i want to know what will be better to run this "bubble fine filtration" or what i need to add any suggest about pump or different item

thanks again


To set the system up for heavy periodic recirculation, it is best to design your system to have totally separate piping. The recirculation tank you show is fine to handle the tanks over flow and add the filtration components inside it. The heavy recirculation should be a separate system completely.

The normal built in over flow box cannot handle the high flow rates from a heavy recirculation system or pulse flow system. The flow rates are too high for the over flow weir capacity.

If you want strong recirculation or the pulse flow I describe, simply install the piping directly from the pump into and out of the tank using separate piping, independent of the overflow box.
John, gotta say that I've been looking for this thread for awhile and finally found it. Gotta congratulate you on a beautiful setup and great/healty looking creatures. I remember I read the first couple of post on this thread back when you started it and the "bubble filtration" made so much sense I had to try it for myself after that i lost track of the thread but I'm glad to say that it helped a lot. I do it a little different, I only do it when I blow my LR which is 3x's a week and works like a charm. Also I don't use filter socks just a skimmer and sump. Great to see some innovation coming from hobbyists. Here's a pic of the tank.
gman0526 said:
John, gotta say that I've been looking for this thread for awhile and finally found it. Gotta congratulate you on a beautiful setup and great/healty looking creatures. I remember I read the first couple of post on this thread back when you started it and the "bubble filtration" made so much sense I had to try it for myself after that i lost track of the thread but I'm glad to say that it helped a lot. I do it a little different, I only do it when I blow my LR which is 3x's a week and works like a charm. Also I don't use filter socks just a skimmer and sump. Great to see some innovation coming from hobbyists. Here's a pic of the tank.

Using the concept to blow the rocks off manually is a sound variation of bubble filtration.....good idea. Your tank looks great. I'm happy that you found it helps. :)
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Bump on an older topic.

I don't have a sump or overflow, but my skimmer has a surface skimmer attachment. A couple times per day, I manually push air through my Seio powerheads (they create a super fine bubble) a couple times per day. As with your photos, I'm able to completely foam up the tank, and some of the corals slime up nicely. This slime, of course, is carried right to the surface, since it's covered in air bubbles. About 10 minutes after the air injection, I notice the tank is visually clearer, and SPS polyp extension is improved.

FWIW, I run a DSB, and have a 38g tank with 5 fish.

sherman i have in my 120 3 seio m2600 +one vortec when i close the pupms and turn them back i don't have a lot of bubble and if yes it's for 2 second. by the way i don't know if you keep do this couple times per day the start of the seio very hard (i hear some noise) if you will not destroy the pump .
I don't turn the Seios off. Ever. They don't restart. :)

I just hold an airline over the powerhead inlet for about a minute.
waht air line you hold do you mean the holes around the pump ?
I just hold an airline over the powerhead inlet for about a minute.[/QUOTE]
Yes, exactly. That ring of slots around the Seio is the intake. I just hold an air line (connected to an air pump) up to those for a bit. The Seio does a great job of chopping up the water into tiny micro bubbles.

I've thought about putting an air pump on a timer and permanently mounting air line to the back of the Seio, for better automation. I still might do something like that someday.
intresting i will check it now i'll try to put air dircet to those holes and let you know about 5 minute how it work
here sherman i check that and put here some picture for you to see this was on one pump in the center and it's look great . click on the pictuer they will bigger.



i have a digital timer 24/7 and i will buy some pipe i'll try that to see how it will look like. from what i read (i am not sure) but inject air to the system it can change the ph level in the tank . i want to know what do you think about that and what you suggest how much time to let it work in a day and what the cycle need to be(how mach minute) .by the way i point 2 seio on the side down the tank near to the bottom one in the center near to top and the vortec at the side of the tank. i thought maybe to change the 3 seio to 3vortec but now i will keep them and to tell the truth they not fall from the vortec the have great flow to it's just the size , the look and the heat but i can tell in 100% that they are great pump and have a great flow.
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sherman here is it .i connect it to the pump.here is something interesting since your pump near to the top you don't need to use air pump because the pump have enough power to suck the air. my middle pump near to the top and not connect to the air pump but the other 2 sit on the bottom there i connect the air pump with the pump the bubble flow more strong . you can try that but don't forget to put check valve for saftey and you can add small needle valve (plastic one ) when you want you open the valve and it's start to work. by the way i let it run about 15 minute and when i close that i saw how pieces of algae and detritus flow up it's realy amazing how it's work very cool idea.

bravo sherman

best regards
