600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

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Here's just a couple of pics. (nothing to exciting yet)






Still need to add a few more cross braces then paint it with Killz. Then I will install 3/4" thick plywood on top of the stand and 1" thick foamboard before I move to sump into place.
Just got done with the Killz.

Here's my temp. fish tank with the ASM-G6 sitting in it. It's been pulling out some massive fish-pooh!!!!lol

How high is the stand? Looks pretty low to me. What are the dimensions again?
The stand is 18" Tall 144" Long and 34" Wide

The sump is 144"x24"x24". I left enough room under the stand to run plumbing for my returns pumps and any other misc. things. I will be building a stand that sits above this stand that will hold my Refugium, Mangrove Tank, and misc. equip. Also have plans for a 100 gallon Sponge tank sitting to the right of the sump as well as a 100 gallon quarantine tank. Still have to figure out my auto-top-off set-up and mixing tank locations.
sixxer said:
I left enough room under the stand to run plumbing for my returns pumps and any other misc. things. I will be building a stand that sits above this stand that will hold my Refugium, Mangrove Tank, and misc. equip. Also have plans for a 100 gallon Sponge tank sitting to the right of the sump as well as a 100 gallon quarantine tank. Still have to figure out my auto-top-off set-up and mixing tank locations.

So, you are making another stand the same as this to sit on top of this one? Then, the pumps and such would sit on the floor and the refugiums and sumps would sit on the floor of the stand that sits above this one? If that is the case and I understood you right, that is a pretty good idea. However, wouldn't that put the tank to sit on top of both of the stands a little too hight to look at? zi don't know if I completely undrstood you.:( :(

Close to what you are thinking. Basically a two tier set-up. 12 foot long sump on the bottom rack and then two feet above that is an 8 foot long rack that will hold the Refugium & Mangrove Tank will sit on the 8 foot stand and will be gravity fed by the drains and then gravity feed into the sump & sponge tank. I built the sump stand approx. 14" wider than the tank so that I could set-up Calc. Reactor, equip. etc. on that ledge for easy access and will build a small pedestal at the left end of the stands to hold all my pumps.

I have a rough diagram I did on my paintshop program but cannot figure out how to copy it and post it.

Hope that clarifies a little.
Thanks. For some reason I thought this was going to be the tank's stand and not the sump. I figured you were doing it like 3 stories witht he bottom for pumps and such, the second floor for the refugiums and such, and the third floor for the tank. That is why I was wondering where were you planning on putting the sump. It does make sense now. Good idea and planning. One thing I would try to do if it was me is that since you have such a large sump try to put as much of the equipment as you can inside like your kalk reactor, top off container, skimmer, etc. That way the sump acts as a tray for leaks and water spills.
I planned on having the skimmer in the sump and as much equipment as possible in the sump to avoid any extra messes.

I am planning on using two Sequence Hammerheads for returns. The Display tank will be sitting approx. 9+ feet directly above the sump and I really am not liking the amount of elec. my Iwaki100 is using and can't imagine running two for the returns.

Tank builder emailed me last night that he hopes to ship my tank at the beginning of next week.:)
I am almost 100% sure that 2 iwaki 100 and 2 hammerheads have the same electrical usage or close enough. However, the iwaki 100 has more head as it is a pressure rated pump and also adds more heat to the water at the same time LOL.......
Here is a horrible rendering that I have put together (nothing to scale, it will actually have two drains and two returns.


This photo is turning out tiny for some reason, might need to get our your microscopes!
Here is a photo of the wall that is scheduled for demolition!!!:D

It was picture day at my sons school so we were having him model some clothes for us!

Didn't accomplish much more in the constuction phase last night, painted all my plywood with Killz and will install on top of the stand tonight.

I did run a copper test on the tank I am using for my sump to assure myself that it had not been treated with copper before (as the previous owner had assured me), and the test did not show a trace, so that was a big relief.

Here's a couple pics. of the sump waiting to be moved into place (don't mind the mess behind it! Wife decided she wanted to have a garage sale the weekend I took those pics!). It's been cleaned up since I took these photos. I spend quite a few hours inside that thing cleaning it!!!!

Not sure if everyone had seen photos of the temp. housing solution for my fish when I sold my 300 gallon tank. Here's a few pics.




It's been pretty interesting to see how fast the Vlimangi Tang, Sohal Tang and French Angel have grown since I moved the fish into the pool back in June or July, it's like they are on steroids now or something!:lol:
Thats a SUMP?!?!?!?! Holy crap! Can I have that for a tank? PLEASE! LOL kidding. I can't wait to see the progress of this one.
Got my first set of tank construction photos from the builder today!!! Really starting to get excited now!!!!




Now I really need to get things in gear on my end, still have way too many things to build before this tank gets here!!!!!!!!