72 inch tank lighting question

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Blue Tang
Nov 28, 2005
would it be better to put one big 72" light on my 125g or two 36" lights, one on each side???? would they melt the silicone on the divider at the top if they were resting on them????
depends on the light. MH would melt an acrlyic tank if placed directly on it.
thats what i have been planning on getting...i probably will, but i want to buy some LR first
Im thinking of hanging my 36" nova, anyone no of a upgrade of a speical bracket for hangin?
Or you can go with (3) 24 inch and switch it up a bit with maybe 2 bulbs with a lower kelvin rating on the outsides and a different Kelvin rating in the middle to support different light demanding corals etc. I guess it may be more expensive to do it that way because you'd have to buy 3 bulbs, but I figured I'd just throw out some more options:)