8 Gallon Office Tank

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2011
Everett, Wa
So after staring at this 8 Gallon BioCube in my closet, I decided I would take it to my office @ Microsoft.

So I have done what I could to it.. Being so tiny, there isn't many upgrades. I am still looking for a small enough return pump I can upgrade too, as I do not want power heads in it, it just eats up some good space.

So here are the current spec's

8 Gallon BioCube

White / 442nm Combo Ecoxotic Stunner Strip
442nm Actinic Ecoxotic Stunner Strip

10lbs of Mixed Live Sand. * which I really started to like. *
12-15 lbs of Live Rock

Maroon Gold Stripe Clown

Cleaner Shrimp
CUC (snails, crabs, etc..)
Pistol Shrimp, which I did not put in there..

Bam Bam Zoa's
Nuclear Dragon Eyes Zoa's
Everlasting Gobstopper Zoa's
Some Unknown Zoa's Green Skirt with Orange Mouth.
Another Zoa that I don't remember the name of, something like Pink Sherbert
Green Alveopora
Purple Goniopora
Purple / Green Ricordia's
Green / Orange Acan
Big Green Stripped Mushroom

I think that is it...

I don't think I will be adding any other fish, unless I get a small pair of snowflakes, or platinum clowns.. ;c)

So I just took a quick video while writing this.

let me know whatcha think!

Link: http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/2320/kfpatrvntadtbvpyehlyor.mp4
Hmmm, I completely misssed this thread.

Nice little tank. I wish I could set one up at work. I think we really need a 100+ gal tank in the store.
great tank. It will be a fun one. You might find that the clown will outgrow it pretty quickly though. I was surprised how fast my little one grew. They are soo cute when they are little. I cant think how long its been, but he was just maybe 2" when I got him and now shes almost 4" and not done growing I'm sure.

Any new pics? You know we all love pics.
I ran my 8g bio-cube for 2 years! Was my first SW :) I upgraded the stalk pump to that of the mj600. Added a hydro flow to the return and I got awesome flow/wave action! I loved that lil tank and soooo regret giving it away :(
Great lil tank. I know you said you didnt want powerheads in it, but have you looked at the hydor pico pumps? From what ive heard, good flow and small.
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wow..that is a fully stocked 8 gallons.. :D

damien, you need to swing by my office and see my 36g bow tank that is in my office. I have a peach leather frag for you. it is creating babies everywhere.
Ditto on the GSM Clown...those guys grow fast and can easily reach 6", let alone BULLIES! Love the little biocube tho, good job!
I have been looking at this forum as a guest for several months now, just decided to pull the pin and make an account! Your tank is really cool, gives me lots of ideas of what I can do in the near future. Keep on updating!
He has posted a video link in the first post.
But updated pics would be cool
How is the tank coming along?
As far as planning goes it is all down and ready to go. In order to pay for the tank and live stock I decided to be patient and only get it once I make 500~ish dollars off selling babies from my colony of crystal red shrimp (gotta love shrimp tanks). I could go ahead and just buy it now, but I want to wait and let the shrimp tank pay for the salt water tank.
As far as the tank goes it is going to be a 7.5 rimless mr. aqua cube, heavy stocked with ricordea shrooms, then a colony of duncans, pom pom xenia, various lps like acan and blastos, a colony of whammin watermelon zoas, and if it still fits in some gsp of some sort. I am still debating on were or not to stock a single fish ( a purple variation of a firefish like helfrichi firefish, 1 Purple Fire, or Rose Antenna Gobies) aside from a few snails and a crab CUC.
As far as planning goes it is all down and ready to go. In order to pay for the tank and live stock I decided to be patient and only get it once I make 500~ish dollars off selling babies from my colony of crystal red shrimp (gotta love shrimp tanks). I could go ahead and just buy it now, but I want to wait and let the shrimp tank pay for the salt water tank.
As far as the tank goes it is going to be a 7.5 rimless mr. aqua cube, heavy stocked with ricordea shrooms, then a colony of duncans, pom pom xenia, various lps like acan and blastos, a colony of whammin watermelon zoas, and if it still fits in some gsp of some sort. I am still debating on were or not to stock a single fish ( a purple variation of a firefish like helfrichi firefish, 1 Purple Fire, or Rose Antenna Gobies) aside from a few snails and a crab CUC.

Welcome to RF, It sounds like you have a great plan for your pico.
I dont want to sound rude, but it would be best if you were to start your own tank thread.
You will get better feedback on your build and it wont take away from this thread.
Good luck and keep us all posted with some pics on your new build thread

Ya sorry, I didn't intend to hijack a thread, just ment to tellem the idea of what I wanted to do. A thread is always a neat thing to have a log of, so I will probably get to it once things start coming along.
Hey All,

Sorry for the lack of updates, had a bunch of crazyness happen. I left Microsoft, so the tank is no longer there, and endured a move. about a week before the move, my heater blew out and decided to cook everything in the tank. ..tear..


That didnt stop me, the tank is now back in my office on my desk.

I have added a small percula clown to the tank, and a have a single head of Hammer, a good size frag of a leather, some random mushrooms, & ricordia's.

Unfortunatly my job blocks imageshack and such, so i will upload pics tonite. hmm or maybe from my phone..