80/20 Rule of Reefkeeping

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
So what is this 80/20 Rule?

Dr. Joseph Juran recognized a universal principle called "The vital few and trivial many" which stemmed off of a mathematical equation Pareto came up which is known as "Pareto's Principle" which simply put is that 20% of something always is responsible for 80% of the results.

Put in simple terms, in basically anything we do, whether it be reefkeeping or some other hobby or whatever in life, only a few (20% of anything) is vital/important and the other 80% of anything is basically trivial/non important. In Pareto's study/case, he came up with equation that yielded that 20% of the world owned 80% of the wealth. Juran on the otherhand, using this same principle figured out that 20% of the defects cause 80% of the problems. This principle as explained can be applied to anything. Here's an example taken from a write up about the 80/20 rule

You know 20 percent of your stock takes up 80 percent of your warehouse space and that 80 percent of your stock comes from 20 percent of your suppliers. Also 80 percent of your sales will come from 20 percent of your sales staff. 20 percent of your staff will cause 80 percent of your problems, but another 20 percent of your staff will provide 80 percent of your production. It works both ways.

So how does this relate to this hobby?

Simply put, focus on the 20% that matters about the hobby and not the 80% that doesn't matter as that little 20%, according to the this theory, will yield 80% of your results. I'd say that some of the 20% of the things that do matter are:

- Patience. Nothing comes quickly or happens quickly in this hobby so take your time. You will be happy you did.

- Research all you can about the hobby and learn as much as you can as knowledge is power and realize that there is no perfect way to go about keeping an aquarium. That idea does not exist as there are many ways to "skin a cat".

- Plan ahead. Don't just think about today, but think about what will be the result of this action down the road. Many times people will add corals or fish to their aquariums that eventually they realize they just can't keep in their aquarium (just as an example).

- Understand and know your tank and it's needs. Some require more maintenance than others while some can be left on their own to basically take care of themselves for the most part. As mentioned, many ways to do things and not all tanks are the same so do what works best for you.

The 80% of things that really are trivial and don't really matter IMO are:

- Is hurting your head over if an external return pump or skimmer is better than an internal one.

- Should I run my lights for 7 hours a day or 8?

- Should I point my powerheads at each other or the glass?

- What's better...Shallow sand bed, deep sand bed or bare bottom? A better option would be to learn all you can about them all and make a decision as to what suits you best as we have many people in the hobby that have kept successful reef aquariums that ran a ssb, a dsb or a bb tank.

- Should I add 1 or 2 lbs of rock per gal? Or how many watts per gal should I have over my tank? Or better yet, How many fish can I have per gal? So many factors come in to play here with rock density, type of lighting and corals going to be kept as well as the depth of tank and type of lighting being used and then type of fish as some require more space than others and grow bigger so it all goes back to researching things which make up the 20% of things that really matter.

And so on (just to name a few). These 80% of trivial things make very little difference in the overall scheme of things and so it's better to focus on the things that really do matter. But how do we know that this rule applies to saltwater reefkeeping? Well, take a look around at the different systems you see your fellow hobbyist have up and running. Some run sumps and others don't. Some run skimmers and others don't. Then there are refugiums that some make use of to grow a marco algae while others see no need for it. I run bare bottom tanks as an example which at one point, I had over 105x turnover rate and kept a healthy reef tank while there are others that run a deep sand bed with a lot less flow but still yielding the same results. So in a nut shell, alot of the things we all do, is done differently right down to equipment (the 80% of the things that really don't matter). However, there are a few things that do matter that is universal across the board like not using tap water unless your water has been tested perfect for aquarium use otherwise ro/di water it is. Allowing your tank to cycle first before adding in livestock (just to name a few) that include the 20% of things that do matter.


With that said, research everything about the hobby as best you can asking whatever questions come to mind and don't sweat the simple things that really don't matter much at all in the grand scheme of things. Using a Magdrive pump over an Eheim won't be the fall of your aquarium. Many ways to skin a cat and be successful which has been proven many times in this hobby so learn all you can and apply it and you will see nothing but great results. :)

(These are all my personal views. Please feel free to discuss, comment or add to what I've posted. Might make for a great discussion).
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Great write up Krish.....Now for me the 80/20 rule is a bit different.

It consists of keeping a budget at say 20% and trying not to exceed it by 80%. :)

Seriously though, that's a great perspective of things and is good information to remember.

This way of thinking keeps the Hobby fun!!!!!
Great write up Krish.....Now for me the 80/20 rule is a bit different.

It consists of keeping a budget at say 20% and trying not to exceed it by 80%. :)

Seriously though, that's a great perspective of things and is good information to remember.

This way of thinking keeps the Hobby fun!!!!!

Haha!! Yea, I spent 80% of my earnings it seemed on my tanks and saved the other 20% :lol:.

Thanks for the feedback. I went back and fixed a few errors. That was a quick write up I did. :)

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Sounds about right. When I was obsessed with my tank I spent 80% of my time working on it and 20% enjoying it. Now I spend 20% working on it and 80% enjoying it. I have much fewer problems now than I did when I tinkered and changed things all the time.
Sounds about right. When I was obsessed with my tank I spent 80% of my time working on it and 20% enjoying it. Now I spend 20% working on it and 80% enjoying it. I have much fewer problems now than I did when I tinkered and changed things all the time.

LOL!! Funny how the more you tinker with things, the more problems you have! :p. When I was into freshwater tanks many years ago, I couldn't understand why my friends tank was always so clear and my tank was always cloudy. The guy never cleaned his tank. Just let it run. Every week, I use to drain my tank, put the gravel on the driveway and rinse it out completely and set i back up. I even went so far as to get water from his house because I thought our well water was bad LOL. Little did I know about how bacteria worked and my tank basically lived with a bacterial bloom :lol:.
Great write up. I now see that I to am doing 80% of work, and 20% enjoyment. I shall leave everything alone, except for a new skimmer. And let it ride its course.

HTC EVO tapatalk
by playing in confine glass tank 240 gals with and from corals from all over the world just no room for error ,,,was ,100/100 for me,,JMO:fear:

good written,,Krish
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Thanks guys! :)

Can anyone think of anymore of the things that actually matter or things that we worry too much about that doesn't really hold much weight?
Can anyone think of anymore of the things that actually matter or things that we worry too much about that doesn't really hold much weight?

wonderful point of view that i tend to not see. what do you think about adding used equipment to the list. ive herd people talking bad about used equipment, but i havent had any really bad stuff come about. just clean it nicely.

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wonderful point of view that i tend to not see. what do you think about adding used equipment to the list. ive herd people talking bad about used equipment, but i havent had any really bad stuff come about. just clean it nicely.


Used equipment IMO is just as good as new. Atleast you know they are working :lol:. I think where equipment is involved, it's good to figure out what is the best pumps or powerheads out there, but I know some people will spend a month trying to decide between a Tunze and a Koralia or a vortech rated at the same GPH. Some things aren't worth spending too much time on. :)
some people will spend a month trying to decide between a Tunze and a Koralia or a vortech rated at the same GPH. Some things aren't worth spending too much time on. :)
lol mine was whats on the used rack at the time, i would like to get a waive maker set but price is way to high for my budget.
lol mine was whats on the used rack at the time, i would like to get a waive maker set but price is way to high for my budget.

Yea, some can get pretty pricey! I had it bad when it came to buying stuff. With no real market here for saltwater reefkeeping, stuff like skimmers, calcium reactors and all those things associated with the hobby was not sold here so I had to import. The problem with that is you buy say a skimmer for $300. It's shipped to my freight forwarder in Ft Lauderdale who then flies it here. Once it gets here, the Bahamian government would add up the cost of the item along with shipping charges and the figure they come up with, I'm charged about 45% customs duty on that then have to pay the freight forwarder their fee of getting it here so at the end of the day, that $300 skimmer would cost me close to $600! :eek:

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holy crap. i know of bahamians that fly to florida to shop duty free. cuz the cost of the flight and the large amounts of product they buy out weighs the cost at the local store.
holy crap. i know of bahamians that fly to florida to shop duty free. cuz the cost of the flight and the large amounts of product they buy out weighs the cost at the local store.

Yea, plus we have some sneaky Bahamian's that find ways to avoid paying customs duty. However, we don't have income tax so you win some and you lose some. :)

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