80 Gallon Build

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Finished my sump and refugium setup. The fuge sits above and off to the side of the return section of the sump.Hope to get plumbing into place next:


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Tall stands are great. I was wondering if you were going to paint the angle iron frame, and I see from your last pictures that you did. What kind of paint did you use?

Tall stands are great. I was wondering if you were going to paint the angle iron frame, and I see from your last pictures that you did. What kind of paint did you use?


I went tall on the stand for a few of reasons:
  1. no more bending over to look into the tank. The stand is about 42" at the top.
  2. lots of head room for gear
  3. this was the only idea I could come up with to maximize the size of refugium for the system so it had to be tall.

I painted the stand with a couple coats of gray primer from Home Depot and several coats of Rust O'leum. I think it should hold up. The steel is galvanized so it was basically rust proof even before the paint was put on it with the exception of the welds.
Looks great, now let's see some water! J

I know, I know. Cash is short. All I need is one Eheim 1265, 2 to get the CL going, and some plumbing parts and it could happen.

Anyone out there wanna trade IT work for an Eheim?:D
Spray Bar Ideas

I've got my plumbing parts together and I'm setting up the CL spray bar. I was going to just drill holes in the spray bar but then I thought maybe if I could put small slots in the bar this might produce a flow that fans out and collides with the flow from the other slots in the spray bar. Anyone ever try this? Thoughts?
We got water!!

Finally got the tank in place, plumbing done and started filling it up this past weekend. I only had one leak and that was from a union that was not quite tight enough.

Here are some pics:


Tank with the 40 gallon next to it.

The tank was originally going to be on the other side of the room. We moved the 40 from that spot to paint the wall before moving the new tank in. After I lugged the new 80 upstairs, my wife vetoed the location and said she liked the spot we had moved the 40 to better. So, I then had to move things around again so I could paint that wall and here we finally are; walls painted, tanks in place, happy wife :)

Anybody out there looking to unload some live sand or LR rubble? I'm looking for some to get the fuge set up.
Lighting mod ?

I'll post this in the equipment forum as well, but here is what I'm thinking:

I have this Odyysea/Jebo fixture w/ 2 250 MH and 4 65w PC bulbs. The MH have some heat to them and the PC bulbs add more. Has anyone ever modified a similar fixture to remove the PC bulbs and install a T5 retro fit kit? I think I'm going to give it a shot. Anyone have a retro fit kit laying around that they are not using?
Here are the latest updates/pics.
I was able to get some truly live sand and Chaeto from a fellow reefer (thanks SageCX!). This stuff was loaded with tons of bristle worms, pods, bugs and snails. I put about a 1" layer down over another 40lbs of sugar fine arragonite in my 20 gallon fuge.
I was also at Fry's yesterday and came across this:
Link shows the 20W model. I have the 14W.
They are super slim and low profile so it's great for mounting in tight places, like my stand. Best part is that you can link up to 5 of them together!

Also happy to report that my skimmer is finally breaking in after 2 weeks and is no longer dumping tons of micro bubbles into the tank. Sweet!



Almost forgot. I'm still looking for LR. Maybe 40 lbs or so if anyone is looking to part with some
I have a 55 gallon Seaclear with wet/dry and overflow that I'm looking to trade for LR, salt, or ????.
Adventures in Aquascaping!!

I started on the aquascaping of the right side of the tank today. The rock sits on acrylic pegs that go into the panels that lay on the bottom of the tank. I had to drill a few pieces to build a couple of towers and thought for sure that I'd break the rock. The drilling went really well and here are the results:







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More Aquascaping Pics..

I finished mounting the second half of the rockwork on the racks and was able to get my sand in this weekend. I used a 30lb bag of CaribSea Aragamax sugar sized sand and 2 20lb bags of CaribSea Indo-Pacific reef sand:

Rack in tank with rods in place:

Rock Drilled with rod:



Finished with sand in place:


See larger images here
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Updated pics

I've been playing around with the final touches on the rockwork and I'm pretty much done. There are only a couple pieces to move over from the old tank, but they have corals on them so that won't happen until after the first of September. Here are some pics. I've pulled out the pumps that are visible in the first pic that I've been using for additonal flow so that I can imagine a little better what it's going to look like when my two new Vortech MP 20's show up on the 25th:D:D:D:D









Christmas came early this year!!:D:D:D:D


And here are some shots of the Vortechs in action
