911 Reefer Down!!

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Bring on the FISH!
Jul 8, 2008
Spokane Valley, WA.
911 Reefer Down!!
I just left a fellow reef and fish fanatic’s house today and I feel like we all need to help this guy out. My Wife and I have seed the tank before and it was something that is only in my dreams of ever having in my own house. He had a beautiful setup and custom tanks made by our local acrylic tank manufacture. Fish that your local public aquarium would like to have and the thing was just amazing. The amount of life and moving colors was something of an inspiration.

The mental picture of the tank today is quiet. No lights on, no pumps running, no skimmers skimming, tanks mostly full of green pond like looking water and the discouraged face of the owner when I asked he if I could take a look before leaving.

This is a story that could happen to any one of us. Every thing in the tank is automated enough to go away for a week or so and so you go away for a week and come back to dead tanks. I fluke thing happens, power goes out, and even though you have a generator, the breaker some how trips on the tank and so even when the power comes back on, you known how the story ends.

He is also a very friendly and giving person. Many of you on here probably have corals that came from his tanks or rock from is frag tanks or maybe even one if his old frag tanks your using as a reef tank. I my self received from him and his generosity several large coolers full of live rock and coral frags. He hasn’t been active on here for some time now because he has been really busy with other family life stuff but I know many of you out there know the feeling.

This is one of those times where I think his good karma should be rewarded. He commented to me after giving me so much that maybe some day I will have something he could use. I’ve never forgot that and so I want to try and get together a crew of people that are able to help whip this setup back into proud operation again.

This setup is located on Whidbey Island. Any easy drive from anyone near the south Whidbey Clinton ferry.

This is a setup that will require people with large aquarium 500 gallon + experience and acrylic tank care knowledge.

Also donations of live stock would help and I have a few things my self to donate to this cause.
im more of a 75gal kinda guy lol but if hands are needed and hes down to set up...im down to help :)
Hi Dude, its one of those jobs that will probably require a full day with 6 to 8 people and 2 experts to help direct traffic.
I'm in your category too. 75 gallon or 210 it's all the same. 750 gallons of saltwater flowing threw the house is in a whole other zip code.

I really hope I can get enough of the right people together to make this happen.

I think I want to try and set this up with his wife to do this when he is not home. If we can pull it off it will be awesome.
hey give me a call 360 421 0834 ....im always down to help a reefer in distress .... i have around 200+ gallons of systems going but around 7 friends with tanks that would help i live in mt.vernon but i was just out there last weekend breaking down a 125dt for a buddy moving i have helped setup & take down over 20 differnt systems.......anything i can do to keep a fellow reefer in the hobby will do ......i have lots of corals and( cinnamon clown if interested) really wanna help out
Add me to the list to contact. Let me know when this is going to happen. Its a long drive, but if I can, I would be happy to come up and help. And if I have any coral that would fit into the scheme of his tank I am willing to donate. Let me know what it is that would be needed.

I can't seem to send any PM's for some reason.
It says your mail box is full
Since this is the second time today I'm guessing I'm having the problem.
To answer your pm question, yes it is
lmk when this will happen,
while i dont have a car,
i live minutes from the ferry,
so someone could come grab me on the way easily.
just a matter if im free the day you have planned.
i have mucho experience with all size tanks, gear, plumbing, etc.
Yes, it has a very nice stainless hood and stand
Thank everyone, I knew I could get some people together on this one. Many of you know who I’m talking about and because he hasn’t actually asked for help I don’t want to say in the open who it is yet. I wanted to see if it could be done first and then I’m going to call to make the offer and set something up.

He is just one of those kind of guys that loves to help others but is not so good at asking others for help and I think this guy could use a real hand getting a handle on his system again. Its just so far gone I could see its just a overwhelming task to do it with all the other things in a day getting in the way. I’m not really a friend of his, but I’ve known him for a lot of years even before fish tanks, I feel I owe it to him to try and help with this one.

Time frame I’m thinking July time. Many people are getting close to the end of school my wife included and have lots of studying and kids getting out of school that I think for the next month lots of people have other things on there plate but that’s what I’m shooting for.