a couple of pics

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check out the little sexy shrimp living in the bubble frankie.
yhe bubble has been through alot. he has come around. he has some great colors purple, green and yellows.:)
ok, i put in a long spine urchin today. time will tell if he helps out. the algae looks like it is growing back on the rockwork already:mad: mayby it is a type of bryopsis.
thanks gaby, it just gets realy frustrating sometimes. dont get me wrong it definatly is rewarding as well. I am going to feel realy good when i kick this stuff out of my tank.:) steve
Best of luck Steve with the algae. I know how it can be...Been there and gave up and had to start all over. I'm sure you will get it sorted out. I still love the tank:)
yeah dood i can be frustrating :) , but as long as youre patient you'll see that in a few months it's gonna be a thing of the past ;)
Hey steve. I can't really tell what type of algae that is. What are the nitrates in your water change water? (eek - have I asked that already?). I'm trying to figure out where your nutrients are coming from. Have you done any pore water testing on the nitrates? Take a water sample from inside the rock, one from an area in the sump that looks like detritus might collect, and your overflow boxes, then test for nitrates (you can do the same for phosphates). See if you are still getting the same nitrate results as the water column. Let us know how the urchin does.
nikki,I checked in the sump, the water column, the fuge and around the rockwork in the main display 10-20 everywhere. I am thinking that the algae is blocking the rock from doing its job. I am thinking of moving it all to the sump. there is no noticable algae there. mayby it will die off there and still work at denitrifying....? what do you think?
a little update. i have my nitrates down to around 5. water changes and more water changes. I also removed all hermit crabs (5 of them one monster) and all have been put in the fuge. I added 40 more turbo snails, 1 lettuce nudibranch, 3 emerald crabs,1 arrow crab and an asm g-3 skimmer today. I have noticed that this type of algae likes high flow areas and mh lighting. I removed a small mushroom rock a few days ago and placed it in the fuge. today all algae is gone. There is none in the sump or in the fuge. I am thinking of leaving the mh's off for a couple of days and stop the heavy circulation and flow and see if that works. I also have a question. I have been using tropic marin since the start of my tank 11 months ago. I today bought a 160 of instant ocean. Is there any problem with a change in salt that I should be concerned about? i plan only to change 10% a week for a while during the change over. steve.
way to go Steve !!!
i'm glad everything is working out, hmm i don't know how bad is to change salts, i used to use kent and i changed right away to IO and i didn't see anythign wrong.
I hope someone can explain us a little bit more :)
Steve - leaving the halides off for a couple of days might help for sure. If you see a die off, then be sure to really siphon to get it out of the tank.

I thought the recommended water change when switching salts was 5%, but I can't say for sure. Maybe try a 5% water change, and see how everything looks. As with any water change, make sure your salinity and temperature matches, and you let it mix for 24 hours or so.

Let us know how the "lights off" works out.
thanks nikki and gaby, i will let you know. last night I cleaned the berlin skimmer and restarted it. ialso ran the new asm g3. this morning there was nothing coming from (out of) the berlin. the asm had about a half collection cup of crud. this was a good sign. this could also be some of the problem. I also this morning removed some of the more algae covered rocks and stuck them in the sump. I had read somewhere that while cleaning rocks off from bad algae problems, once they are scrubbed and rinsed you could then dip them in a 4:1 ratio of white vinegar to neutrlize phosphates. Rinse again in new salt water and replace in your tank. have you ever heard of this? It sounded funny to me as we run our tanks a little caustic.
ok guys, alot of determination, a better skimmer, snails, snails and more snails, low lighting for days low nitrates from water changes,rock scrubbing and tank scraping and this is the results. there is more pics on the pocono mountain reef club forum. steve:D
wow looking good but what am i sayin in the forums i could tell you myself because i kinda live with you.oh and good news i picked up my new 40 gallon tank today but im flat out broke so could anyone hook me up with an old pump and lights they have but dont need. im talking for free if you guys dont mind.(LOL)