A gift for you at Christmas...

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well, I've finished playing "tourist" and Jiddy's prize will be sent on Monday. He should have it by Wednesday morning the latest. I hope you like um Jid...There's quite a few little Bahamian souvineers in there which you could show people and make them think you've been to the Bahamas...Hope you like!
Enough with the chitter chatter, you know you all want to see the prizes! Im sorry there could only be one winner! Thanks Nikki for passing the prize on to me! And thank you Krish for the fun and the gifts! Its like Xmas has already started! okay okay, if anyone is still reading what i type instead of scrolling to the prizes.... here they are!

Thanks again Krish, your a very kind person, living in your tropical paradise with the sun shining on you, all warm and.... sorry....

ohh dood that's really awesome !!!
i like the key thingy (i don't knwo how you call it) it's really cute and the little flag ... ohhh :)
There's no way you got them already!(LOL) Glad you like! Nothing much, but the thought counts I guess. Shipping was $40 on them(LOL) Well, you can play pretend now and tell everyone you were here(LOL) Enjoy

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