A good Quarantine tank setup?

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2012
Wenatchee Wa
Ok I have always rolled the dice when it came to adding fish to my dt but been helping a friend with a maintenace buisiness and he is needing to setup a good quarantine system and not sure really what you need for this setup. Looking into getting a wall display system that would have 8-20gl tanks on it and was wondering what else would be needed for the filteration system being only a qt. Knowing you may be adding treatments to the water if the fish come down with anything dont really know if a sump with refugium would be good or whats the best way to set something like that. Any ideas would be helpfull to try and figure out the total cost to get this going. Thanks
Having a sump below would be great for mechanical and even Bio such as LR rubble or Bio-Balls. I would suggest having at least two non-connected systems on this, four 20g tanks each to be able to partition off seperate livestock shipments and or differing fish species (tollerance levels to copper and such).

Cheers, Todd
So would a qt system be treated just like your dt? Skimmer, refugium etc... or is there a more economically way of setting one up. Like the idea of trying to devide the two up maybe one for treatment and one side for healthy specimens.
Similar yet no refugium, coral substrate or LR in display. PVC fittings and pieces as well as plastic plants weighted (silicone marbles to bases) for hiding structure. If you have Wrasses that bury ie: Leopard Wrasses you can take a clean glass baking dish/pan and place Silica sand for them (does not absorb much medication wise)

Cheers, Todd