A lesson learned the hard way.

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Mar 13, 2008
I wanted to share with those new to reefs about the differences in starting off.

My first tank I didn't know much. I used Tap water and treated it then mixed the salt..and added rocks and sand... Thought it would be fine. Later I learned not so good.

The issues I had for a year I believe was all due to the original start up. Even using Phosban and many many water changes my problems persisted. Sand bed issues and cyano issues... just pure chaos...tank was eeking along.

This new start up I did the correct way. It's a night and day difference in quality of my display and overall growth. My water chemistry is very stable.
And my skimmer isn't filling up so darn fast. I am even able to feed more and it's not impacting my nitrate levels greatly. Though I am short of a fuge on this new tank. Its doing much better than the old. I believe all my problems are related on how I began. Tap water ...the long term issues I had I fully believe were all related to it.

The lesson I learned... if you are new to reef keeping... PLease please get a book on Water Chemistry for Marine Tanks. And start up a tank properly. You will pay for it if not ...not just financially but headaches galore.

"The lesson I learned... if you are new to reef keeping... PLease please get a book on Water Chemistry for Marine Tanks. And start up a tank properly. You will pay for it if not ...not just financially but headaches galore. "
Warforged: I too did the exact same thing you did... and let me tell you my first year as a noob was hell. I had guidance at the time, but I guess my guide didn't know much about water quality... lol. It's only a few years later I can look back and laugh.
So does everyone agree with this? I'm sure it would be ideal but is it really that bad? The only reason I am asking is because I am starting up a system that is 120 gallons total and was told by Will at Reef Mystique that it is ok to start my tank with tap water. Then when I do water changes he gives his customers free ro/di water. This really helps me because I just don't have the space for an ro/di unit anywhere.

Really depends on where you live.
Everyone's tap water is different.
Some with really great well water "may" not have problems, but others with city water might have problems forever.

RO filters just level the playing field and rule out a ton of what if's when there is a problem.
When I started my 55 gallon tank I used Tap water.

After a few weeks of the lights on I had brown alge all over. The more the light was on the worst it got. You could watch it grow.

First I bought RO/DI water and did a massive water change. HUGE mistake
I then bought a RO/DI unit.

Where I screwed up was I did so many water changes I ruined the cycle in my tank.

If I could do it all over again I would just use RO/DI water to begin with even if I had to buy it from the LFS like aquatic dreams or coral reef.
Our water here on the plateau is outstanding and we made the same stupid mistake thinking our water was so good, we ended up having algae problems, Cynao so..... I tested for Phosphates and found they were freaking high. Needless to say we immediately went and ordered a RO/DI unit and since getting it and doing lots of water changes things seem to be clearing up. We know better now and will never use tap in a saltwater tank. Now we still have a freshwater tank and we are still debating wether to even use RO/DI in that also and just add back the minerals needed for the water using a supplement/additive.
I left the fresh water tank tap water. Either way you have to put some type of water conditioner in it, why waste the time of making water for it.

On a side note my fresh water is 300 gallons.
I left the fresh water tank tap water. Either way you have to put some type of water conditioner in it, why waste the time of making water for it.

On a side note my fresh water is 300 gallons.

True you can condition the water. Its not that critical to use ro/di water in fresh...

I just think if you make your own ro/di why not give the best water you can to your fresh water kids.;)

I used to be a pleco fanataic... i mean a big one..ordering rare species and my entire tank was a bog wood forest... I loved them...but my algae was always so bad... no matter how much i filtered and always did 50% weekly water changes... it was such a pain.

Its true tap water varies for many folks..I find it a gamble ... if i had a ro/di unit and space I would love to set up a new pleco tank again and keep my algae under strict controls... Plecos have algae as a supplement anyway...bog wood and cucumbers were what I fed mine..squash to... so I really could care less for aglae..and now im rambling about fresh water lol..sorry.

Anyway...ill stop rambling now..and back off the caffeine :D:D
It's ok rambling good :) I used to be a big pleco lover too!!!! I miss my plecos :( Now I just run a 10 gallon freshy and my favorite thing in there is the Pea Puffer he's so entertaining to watch :)