A sea cucumber almost crashed my tank

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2009
So I got a sea cucumber the other day and put in the tank. When we were trying to acclimated it into the tank it fell out of the bag. Later on in the evening I noticed that all my corals were closed. We are trying to save it right now.
Dang....that is a bummer....I dig the nickname....my sons name is Dexter.

yep. When a cuke is stressed, they expell their guts. That is what 'nukes' your tank. If the cuke is there just doing it's thing and is not stressed or you don't see it releasing anything into the tank through an open wound or its butt or mouth, then the cuke may not be your issue.
Well… as of right now everything's looking a little bit better. But some of the corals are definitely not what they should normally look like. I'm hoping everything will bounce back overtime.
Here's a very good article, that explains a lot about Sea Cucumbers, including dispelling some of the myth surrounding Cuke Nuke. While Cuke Nuke does happen, it's a lot less common than people think. A cucumber, eviscerating it's gut, rarely releases chemicals in the process. The gut can regenerate, over time.

Sea Apples, on the other hand, are much more likely to cause a Cuke Nuke, so may be one to avoid.

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Thanks for posting the link, Sid. I can't overpraise Rob Toonen's and Ron Shimek's columns on inverts. This cuke article by Rob is a great example. Full of good information clearly stated, it addresses aquarium issues, provides data from both the hobbyist side & the science side, tells you about food preferences, which are reef safe & which aren't, etc. They should be required reading for every reef keeper.
From what I understand it is only really when a cucumber dies of a violent death that it releases that chemical to nuke the tank.
From what I understand it is only really when a cucumber dies of a violent death that it releases that chemical to nuke the tank.

The weird thing is that it was letting out toxins even when it was alive. You could see that it was stressed though. We pulled it off pretty quickly and it is now in a quarantine tank at my friend Tuans house.
now you are reminding me of the new Jackass movie...with the cucumber scene....totally wrong on so many levels.
The weird thing is that it was letting out toxins even when it was alive.

Not weird at all. As you noticed, it was stressed and that's a typical response. Good thing you were observant & got it out in time to save your corals!