Sorry about your loss. I had that same ray about 20 years ago. He died from eating Gold Fish. At the time that was the only thing he would eat. I know how it feels to lose such a prize animal.
Hey Nick I am sorry about your loss!! I havent read through your whole thread yet but I hope that you arent getting critisized about this, however they are expert only....
Well i may have figured out what caused his death. I bought my ghost shrimp from a LFS that i wouldn't dare buy saltwater from because it just doesn't look good. For the most part the store is a fresh water store anyways. So i called up and asked if the store fills/tops off their fresh water tanks with tap water or RO water and they said tap. So i called another store that i bought the shrimp from and asked them the same question they too said tap. Do you suppose that this could have been the culprit?
I knew it was expert only but i was up for the challenge and i knew the possible outcome. I am going to look at this as a learning lesson. From what i've read out of all the stingrays only the blue spotted ones are the hardest to keep. There are other rays like guitar rays that are a lot easier to keep instead. I may try one of them next time.