A side note for Anthony...

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May 14, 2007
Virginia Beach
Anthony - just a note to let you know that you have created quite the wise asp monsters here in VA Beach. When posting on our local forum requesting info from your book (mine has not arrived yet), "The Book of Coral Propagation", this is the response I received!

(my post) Does anyone here have Calfo's book handy and not mind looking up something for me... looking for whatever it has to say about propagating open brains, Trachyphyllia geoffroyi.

The response from the noted sponsor of your visit...

Reef Chief
Group: Sponsors
Posts: 577
Joined: November 16, 2005
From: Virginia Beach
Member No.: 2
Name: Jeff Knight

Take the coral in question out of the water, then go mow the lawn and have some lunch. After a cold glass of tea, take the coral and poke at it a bit. Break out the wet saw and frag away. No need to worry about saving mouths or any fancy cutting, just cut into squares.

- Jeff
What are the healing and propagation cycles for trachyphyllia?

"There is very little information about propagating T. geoffroyi in the book. It says that aquaculture is limited currently but hopeful in the future. It does not go into specifics on how to propagate. I imagine that the tile saw is the best option [as demonstrated by you]. Contact Anthony on his forum and ask specifics. I have a tile saw here (just like his ) to use.

It does say healing is slow."
I'm sorry, my friend... but what is your question? Its not quite clear to me.

I agree/reiterate that propagating it is as easy as seen (workshop, IMAC videos, etc). Healikng is slow (only) if you fail to maintain adequate fish loads or alternate food sources for the coral.

A thread on RC "Anthony Calfo fragged my brain!" or some such title (do a search for "Calfo" and it will show up near the top in the results since it is recent from IMAC) has post-op images. A link in the thread shows images of the demonstration too.

What more info do you need than following the protocol in the book (propagate only healthy specimens that have been held for several months, not moved recently, fed well, etc)... put on a wet tile saw... keep strong water flow on parent and divisions after the cut, etc (all in the book, my friend and on these threads)?
Coral farming and propagation

I thought to give you a little chuckle in your busy schedule with Reef Chief's comment, but that went over like a lead balloon. :|

Ultimately, I was interested in the prop cycles of trachyphyllia as I couldn't find anything in your book. I will check RC :eek:, I didn't check there, but I did Google, and use the search feature on this site.

The only thing in your book that could be found was that it says that aquaculture is limited currently but hopeful in the future. It does not go into specifics on how to propagate. From you demo I knew it was using the tile saw, but I did not recall any specific info regarding the prop cycle.

Thanks kindly,
no worries... just tough for me some days with the mail load. Mondays are heaviest all over the world for message boards (folks check mail, back to work, etc)

For prop cycle... do you mean cycle of harvest? (when can you frag from frags?)