I thought it would be nice to put together a simple saltwater glossary for those new to the hobby giving you basic definitions to terms etc that are used in the hobby quite a bit. Keep in mind that these of course are basically my personal definitions on things so in some cases, "other's" definitions of the same things may vary, but the main idea is to give you a general idea of what certain things are. Hope it helps. 
Actinic Lighting - Lighting that is predominently blue in color. It is important as it promotes zooxanthellae algae to grow which photosynthetic corals and invertebrates use for their growth. Actinics are usually mixed with "whiter" bulbs to give a more appealing look.
Activated carbon - This is a type of carbon derived from charcoal which is used to absorb different chemicals, medicines, dis-colorations and even odor from your water.
Aerobic bacteria- A type of bacteria that requires oxygen in order to function/grow which plays a vital role in the nitrogen cycle in our tanks. These are the type of bacteria responsible for converting ammonia into nitrite as well as nitrite into nitrate.
Alkalinity - A measurement of how well your water can buffer against ph drop. NSW measures an alkalinity of about 2.5 meq/L or 7dKH
Ammonia- (NH3) This is the first toxin produced in the nitrogen cycle which comes from the breakdown of un-eaten fish food, poop etc. This is the most toxic to our tank inhabitants.
Anaerobic bacteria - A type of bacteria that requires an atmosphere void of oxygen in order for it to function/grow. This is the type of bacteria responsible for converting nitrate into harmless nitrogen gas.[/QUOTE]
Artemia - Another name for brine shrimp.
Aquaculture - This is the farming or cultivating of marine organisms like fish, corals etc.
Ball Valve - Type of shut off valve used to control water flow.
Bioload - A term that is used to describe how much waste is produced in our aquariums.
Biological Filtration - A form of filtration where bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic) is used to break down waste via the nitrogen cycle.
Calcium - Important trace element found in natural sea water needed by certain tank inhabitants like corals etc for their growth. Calcium in NSW is usually within the range of 380-450 ppm
Check Valve - A valve that allows water to pass through it in one direction only preventing any back flow that are un-desired in some cases.
Chemical Filtration - Filtration method that commonly uses activated carbon as well as other resins to "filter water".
Chiller - A piece of equipment used to cool aquarium water and control temperature.
Chloramine - Basically a type of compound found in tap water used to kill certain bacteria for our benefit as humans. Unfortunately it can be poisonous to tank inhabitants so it should be removed prior to adding water to your tank.
Circulation - Water movement throughout the tank provided by powerheads/water pumps.
Community tank - Tank full of different species of fish that all live peacefully together or are compatible with one another.
Coraline Algae - An encrusting type of algae that will grow on basically any surface in your tank and rocks granted all of it's needs are met. Typically seen purple or pink in color although they do come in other shades. This is the one type of algae that some reefers actually like as it adds color to their aquarium.
Cycle (Cycling) - A process that a tank goes through which involves the completion of the nitrogen cycle.
Deep Sand Bed (DSB) - A sand bed that is a deep enough making it possible to have a lower region void of oxygen where denitrification can take place.
Denitrification - The chemical breakdown of nitrate by anaerobic bacteria into nitrogen gas
Diatoms - Brown colored nuicance algae usually associated with newly setup tanks that thrive off of silicates and excess nutrients in the water.
FOWLR - "Fish Only With Live Rock." Basic aquarium setup with just liverock and fish in it (no corals).
Fragging - Method of cutting off a small piece of a healthy coral to create a new coral. Also known as "coral propagation".
Fuge - Abbreviation for "Refugium". See refugium
GPH - "Gallons per hour" is a measurement of the amount/rate of water flow that passes through a pump or piece of equipment every hour.
Gas exchange - A point usually at the water's surface, where gases are exchanged - Oxygen goes from the air into the water and carbon dioxide is released from the water into the air.
Heater - A device used to heat aquarium water usually controlled by an internal thermostat.
Hitchhiker - An organism whether it be a sponge, snail, algae, crab...whatever that makes it into your aquarium un-purposely through the introduction of something like liverock. They can be both beneficial in nature or a nuicance.
Herbivore - Organism that feeds on vegetation only.
Hydrometer - An instrument used to measure specific gravity in our aquariums.
Iodine - Trace element found in natural sea water needed for various things like invertebrates use it to molt, helps corals to calcify and even helps with coloration.
Kelvin - A measurement of the color temperature of a bulb. 6700K would be a yellowish colored spectrum, 10,000K would be a white spectrum and a 20,000K would be a blue spectrum.
LFS - Abbreviation for Local Fish Store
LPS - Abbreviation for Large Polyp Stony Corals.
Liverock - Liverock is rock made up of dead coral skeletons teaming with many beneficial liveforms including sponges, beneficial bacteria etc that is used in aquariums for biological filtration purposes as well as to create a natural habitat for our marine life. More reading material can be found here
Macroalgae - Large photosynthetic plant found in aquariums. These are typically used in refugiums to aid in nutrient export.
Magnesium - Important trace element found in natural sea water usually in the 1200-1300 ppm range.
Mechanical Filtration - The removal or trapping of particles from the water column usually done by straining the water through filter media like filter floss, sponges, filter socks etc. Protein skimming can also be viewed as a form of mechanical filtration.
NSW - Abbreviation for Natural Sea Water.
Actinic Lighting - Lighting that is predominently blue in color. It is important as it promotes zooxanthellae algae to grow which photosynthetic corals and invertebrates use for their growth. Actinics are usually mixed with "whiter" bulbs to give a more appealing look.
Activated carbon - This is a type of carbon derived from charcoal which is used to absorb different chemicals, medicines, dis-colorations and even odor from your water.
Aerobic bacteria- A type of bacteria that requires oxygen in order to function/grow which plays a vital role in the nitrogen cycle in our tanks. These are the type of bacteria responsible for converting ammonia into nitrite as well as nitrite into nitrate.
Alkalinity - A measurement of how well your water can buffer against ph drop. NSW measures an alkalinity of about 2.5 meq/L or 7dKH
Ammonia- (NH3) This is the first toxin produced in the nitrogen cycle which comes from the breakdown of un-eaten fish food, poop etc. This is the most toxic to our tank inhabitants.
Anaerobic bacteria - A type of bacteria that requires an atmosphere void of oxygen in order for it to function/grow. This is the type of bacteria responsible for converting nitrate into harmless nitrogen gas.[/QUOTE]
Artemia - Another name for brine shrimp.
Aquaculture - This is the farming or cultivating of marine organisms like fish, corals etc.
Ball Valve - Type of shut off valve used to control water flow.
Bioload - A term that is used to describe how much waste is produced in our aquariums.
Biological Filtration - A form of filtration where bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic) is used to break down waste via the nitrogen cycle.
Calcium - Important trace element found in natural sea water needed by certain tank inhabitants like corals etc for their growth. Calcium in NSW is usually within the range of 380-450 ppm
Check Valve - A valve that allows water to pass through it in one direction only preventing any back flow that are un-desired in some cases.
Chemical Filtration - Filtration method that commonly uses activated carbon as well as other resins to "filter water".
Chiller - A piece of equipment used to cool aquarium water and control temperature.
Chloramine - Basically a type of compound found in tap water used to kill certain bacteria for our benefit as humans. Unfortunately it can be poisonous to tank inhabitants so it should be removed prior to adding water to your tank.
Circulation - Water movement throughout the tank provided by powerheads/water pumps.
Community tank - Tank full of different species of fish that all live peacefully together or are compatible with one another.
Coraline Algae - An encrusting type of algae that will grow on basically any surface in your tank and rocks granted all of it's needs are met. Typically seen purple or pink in color although they do come in other shades. This is the one type of algae that some reefers actually like as it adds color to their aquarium.
Cycle (Cycling) - A process that a tank goes through which involves the completion of the nitrogen cycle.
Deep Sand Bed (DSB) - A sand bed that is a deep enough making it possible to have a lower region void of oxygen where denitrification can take place.
Denitrification - The chemical breakdown of nitrate by anaerobic bacteria into nitrogen gas
Diatoms - Brown colored nuicance algae usually associated with newly setup tanks that thrive off of silicates and excess nutrients in the water.
FOWLR - "Fish Only With Live Rock." Basic aquarium setup with just liverock and fish in it (no corals).
Fragging - Method of cutting off a small piece of a healthy coral to create a new coral. Also known as "coral propagation".
Fuge - Abbreviation for "Refugium". See refugium
GPH - "Gallons per hour" is a measurement of the amount/rate of water flow that passes through a pump or piece of equipment every hour.
Gas exchange - A point usually at the water's surface, where gases are exchanged - Oxygen goes from the air into the water and carbon dioxide is released from the water into the air.
Heater - A device used to heat aquarium water usually controlled by an internal thermostat.
Hitchhiker - An organism whether it be a sponge, snail, algae, crab...whatever that makes it into your aquarium un-purposely through the introduction of something like liverock. They can be both beneficial in nature or a nuicance.
Herbivore - Organism that feeds on vegetation only.
Hydrometer - An instrument used to measure specific gravity in our aquariums.
Iodine - Trace element found in natural sea water needed for various things like invertebrates use it to molt, helps corals to calcify and even helps with coloration.
Kelvin - A measurement of the color temperature of a bulb. 6700K would be a yellowish colored spectrum, 10,000K would be a white spectrum and a 20,000K would be a blue spectrum.
LFS - Abbreviation for Local Fish Store
LPS - Abbreviation for Large Polyp Stony Corals.
Liverock - Liverock is rock made up of dead coral skeletons teaming with many beneficial liveforms including sponges, beneficial bacteria etc that is used in aquariums for biological filtration purposes as well as to create a natural habitat for our marine life. More reading material can be found here
Macroalgae - Large photosynthetic plant found in aquariums. These are typically used in refugiums to aid in nutrient export.
Magnesium - Important trace element found in natural sea water usually in the 1200-1300 ppm range.
Mechanical Filtration - The removal or trapping of particles from the water column usually done by straining the water through filter media like filter floss, sponges, filter socks etc. Protein skimming can also be viewed as a form of mechanical filtration.
NSW - Abbreviation for Natural Sea Water.
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