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Sid, I think you will find that if your rock is porous enuf, you will be better off without alot of rock. I also think you may be surprised with the efficiency of the T5 lites. You are to want to allow the corals enough room to grow!!! JMHO

i am with Charlie,, allow the corals enough room to grow:):),,the way your planed are ,,,they will grow fasttttt:D
Wow, I'm not much of a "rock wall" kind of guy but I really like Roscoe's aquascape. I think it because its a lot more three dimensional then most walls and has a lot of nooks and caves. Also, I don't know if theres a policy on linking to other sites, but this guy has an amazing set of progression shots over two years that show how really simplistic rock work can grow out really nicely!

Also, as Charlie said, you'd be surprised at how much light a good T5 fixture pumps out, especially if you use active cooling on that TEK fixture. When James Fatheree spoke at MCMAC he gave a very compelling argument that said sps corals can grow, thrive, and even color up nicely at the bottom of tanks under T5's with reflectors if their other conditions (mainly flow) were met adequately.
James Fatheree, at MCMAC, also said that you can't grow clams under T5s. He obviously hasn't seen the 3 or 4 I've grown in my 75. Had to rehome a T. derasa because it quickly outgrew the tank. Have grown T. crocea and T. maxima with no problems at all...lol.

I'm well aware of how well the T5 lighting will grow our SPS, as it's been growing it very well for over 3 years.

I also agree that we really don't need as much rock as we've had in some of our tanks...lol. (approximately 150# in the 75 at one time, now down to about 120). So, we'll see how it progresses. I'm sure I'll do some major re-aquascaping a time or two before I'm happy with it. Especially when we break down the 75 and decide which of those rocks end up in the 200.

I do really like Roscoe's aquascaping. I've never really cared much for Tonga branch rock, but his tank does make it look really good!!
Tank has cleared up a lot!! Last night, it was still a lil murky, but I took some pics anyway. Then I just took a couple more pics. Here they are. Forgive the reflections...lol. Without lights on the tank, I can't take pics at night, with room lights out. Soooo, we get reflections.
Last night

Just a few minutes ago

Here, you can see a reflection of Angie's Nano.

Today, I will drill anti siphon holes in the outputs of the SeaSwirls. Last night, I tested the sump/fuge capacity, by unplugging the return pump. Before doing this, I bent the Locline Y up a bit, to get it closer to the surface. By the time everything drained, I still had room for about 8 1/5 gallons in the sump/fuge. While doing this, I'll also do away with the locline Ys and replace with a single locline flare on each SeaSwirl.

Might also get around to adding more live rock today.

Last night, I tested the water. The only thing that registered was a very slight reading of nitrates. That was before I put the skimmer online.
James Fatheree, at MCMAC, also said that you can't grow clams under T5s.

What was he smoking??? My three clams are growing just fine in my standard 90 gallon and they are on the bottom of the tank. All under T-5's

Nice rock sid, but are you going to add anymore?

Hey look I see Sid's desk under that pile of stuff there. (LOL, just kidding)
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It was funny because when I was listening to his presentation about this, as soon as he said this statement I immediatley thought oh crap if Mike was here there would be a helluva debate right about now...lol

James Fatheree, at MCMAC, also said that you can't grow clams under T5s.
LOL Jake, Yes, there may have been.

To answer your PM and clarify for everyone else...I will NOT be drilling the antisiphon hole IN the Seaswirls. Directly off each SeaSwirl, I have a PVC 45. I will be drilling the holes into that 45. I'll drill just low enough that the hole will be below the SeaSwirl output tube that the 45 slides onto.
Well, the tank has sat there, beckoning me to work on it, for 3 days, but I haven't got anything accomplished on it, until this morning. Even this morning wasn't much...lol.

I changed both locline outputs to singles and drilled the anti-siphon holes in both PVC 45s. that's it....

Depending on other things we have going on today, I may start breaking down the 75 and moving some of it's live rock into the 200. In studying the 75, I see a lot of rock that won't make it into the 200, due to soft coral growth on it. At this point, it's my plan to have NO soft corals in the 200, with the possible exception of Ricordea.

Only a couple rocks from the 46 will make the cut as well, for the same reason.
I'll be selling, trading or whatever, all the soft corals, that I can remove from the rocks.

Then I'll see if above mentioned softies are going to reappear on the rocks...lol. I'll sell any extra rock, once I've finalized the aquascaping.

lol - i had the same problem when I broke down my 90 - 1 or 2 rocks were xenia free, all the rest were dirty... the rocks I choose not to sell I just dried out - that'll kill the xenia ;)
NC2WA, When this transition is all done, I'll be posting a thread with what I have available. We need to make a trip over the mountains soon and I could bring some over.

Jake, I'll probably have some available and will let you know. If nothing that's softy free, I plan to rid it of softies any way possible. Even if it's like Estanoche said, dry it out, though I'm skeptical about that killing Xenia!!!
there is no way I could justify to my wife going to E. Washington on a weekend to put up a soft coral or two where I can easily get them locally.

plus the weekends is when I spend most of the time with my kids.
Hey this is a family hobby, take them along. Just do not take your wife into Dang's if she loves coral. I learned the hard way, now she wants my tank to be 3 years old already and every coral Dang has!

BTW I might have some stuff too...