A word about Damsels.. (Caution! May be slightly graphic.)

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Had nothing to do so I thought I bring a thread back from the dead. I'm still new, so I never read this thread. I had 4 green chromis in my 20 long. I later added a sixline wrasse and chased it constantly till it died. I was going to remove the chromis the next day but end up finding a dead wrasse. That pissed me off. So...I decided the next day to upgrade from 20 to 40. I easily got rid of the chromis by removing all my rocks to the 40. I took my Chromis to a LFS and got like $16 credit on it. I just decided to get a calcium test kit for an exchange. I later got another six-line wrasse and it's still alive with no chromis. Just 2 percs and a Gold-spotted goby.
Fokkerdmr said:
Interesting... I have a pair of yellowtail blue damsels that went from a 25 gal to a 55 gal tank. I recently added a lawmower blenny, and the damsels stared at it for a minute, then have left it alone.

We'll see what happens when the next finned friend joins the foray....

i to had a blenny, that when put into my tank lasted about a month, and one day , he was bandit shrimp food...the dams in question are three times the blennys size....still not sure what happen, but they where on him, from the start
My wife is in love with green chromis's and wants to get 4 for our tank, I keep saying no but I hope I don't come home from work someday and there they are......
I have a domino Damsel that rules the roost on my reef. For the most part, he only like to slap the other fish with his tail. But this sucker is scared of no one. I have a 13 inch Snowflake Eel that could swallow the damsel whole but the damsel taunts the eel by backing up to him and slapping him with his tail. Some days I actually wish the eel would make a meal of him. :badgrin:
hehe a few months ago (i think about a year) i bought a six line, he is about 2", the first days he was just checking out everything but then after a week, he decided he wanted to be the king, so now sometimes during the day he goes and chases my yellow tail damsel, the fish just runs for his life everytime he sees the six line trying to chase him, then after like 2 rounds he goes and hides behind the overflow cup and that's i think the only way the six line stops from chasing him hehe... it's quite fun seeing them swimming all around.
I just started my 10 gal and have one yellow damsel in there, no sand just the fish and a fake pice of rock, next week I am either giving him back to the store (he was a test fish) or I am killing him before I get my corals and sand.
I just started my 10 gal and have one yellow damsel in there, no sand just the fish and a fake pice of rock, next week I am either giving him back to the store (he was a test fish) or I am killing him before I get my corals and sand.

dood don't kill the fish, i mean i know sometimes they're mean but still, you should give it to someone for free if you don't want him or to the store i'm sure someone would want the little fish.
keener1830 said:
I just started my 10 gal and have one yellow damsel in there, no sand just the fish and a fake pice of rock, next week I am either giving him back to the store (he was a test fish) or I am killing him before I get my corals and sand.

If it's a yellow tail damsel, I'll take it. I set my tank up knowing that it would be inhabited by yellow tail damsels, fire shrimp, and cleaner shrimp (yes, I know fire shrimp ARE cleaner shrimp). Anyway, I've got space for him if you're just going to kill him. I was planning on waiting until things with the tank settled down before adding any other animals, but, hey, a free rescued fish is a free rescued fish.


Edit: except you're in Astoria...it's not worth the drive or the shipping.
I had put two damsals in my tank when I had very little in there and they were cute and peaceful. After about a year the yellow one became very large and looked as mean as he was. The other one has stayed small and peaceful. I got rid of the larger one. I'll keep the smaller one until if and when he gets mean.
Amazing.....this thread had no response for 1 year. I bring it back and ended up with 11 replies in about a day. Guess...people do have problems with damsels.
Ok so spongebob lover I'm not trying to bust your chops or anything but I've got to call you out on this one.

spongebob lover said:
Well the cobalt chromis used to pick on smushy until he grew up, but then i bought my 2 true percula clowns and smushy then started picking on the clowns, so he got flushed :(

spongebob lover said:
dood don't kill the fish, i mean i know sometimes they're mean but still, you should give it to someone for free if you don't want him or to the store i'm sure someone would want the little fish.

I'm just curious. ;)
LMBO!!!! :lol: .
it wasn't me who flushed the fish my husband did it.
He can flush, squiz, mush anything... i can't.
Oh so the husband did it...uh huh sure...:eek2: you might as well blamed it on the butler with the candlestick. :lol:

Well on a separate note my electric blue damsel is the nicest fish and gets along with everybody in my tank. So just thought I'd add my $.02
keener1830 said:
I just started my 10 gal and have one yellow damsel in there, no sand just the fish and a fake pice of rock, next week I am either giving him back to the store (he was a test fish) or I am killing him before I get my corals and sand.
I am taking the little guy back to the pet store where I bought him tommorow and picking up a true perc on the next day. I am putting sand in the tank tommorow so it needs a day to level and clear out. thanks all
I am taking the little guy back to the pet store where I bought him tommorow and picking up a true perc on the next day. I am putting sand in the tank tommorow so it needs a day to level and clear out. thanks all

that sounds awesome !! but people are gonna try to encourage you to go bb :) .