About to move, substrate?

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See thats my issue... I have fine black sand.. but i have not vaccuumed it much due to it sucks up. And i have a big gravel syphon. Should i start picking things out of the sand?? :/

Via phone cuzz Im broke
You gotta clean the substrate. If it is fine, you can't help but suck some out. You can pinch the tube on a smaller hose to restrict flow to not suck up as much sand. On a large syphon it is hard to do. Also, the smaller siphon sucks less allowing more time to work on the substrate before you siphon out too much water.
Wooooo clean sand :)
Havent cleaned it since i put it in :)


Annnd the tank


Sorry my clown is a picture Wh+*3!!! Haha any time i go to take a picture hes right there

Via phone cuzz Im broke