ac7av tank build

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Bring on the FISH!
Jul 8, 2008
Spokane Valley, WA.
Since I have the entire day to do what ever I figured I’d start my tank build thread so here it goes.

The equipment list
210 AGA aquarium with a drilled side done by A Read Sea Aquarium in Seattle
72 inch light fixture with currently 3, 250 watt 22,000 K HQI bulbs and 4, 96 watt 50/50 bulbs and moon lights.
Some ware around 4 to 5 hundred pounds of live rock in the tank of various kinds.
I only have an inch or so if crushed coral in the bottom of the tank.
Two Sun-Sun JVP-202A power heads in the tank
Four loc line returns into the tank with flow accelerator tips

My sump/fuge is a rubber maid container inside a large rubber maid container (I don’t remember the exact sizes).
The container in the container has 40 pounds of very porous volcanic rock.
The water from the tank enters the bottom of this container and has a T on the end with pvc pipe cut at a long angle so the rock doesn’t plug the openings. The water flows up threw the rock.
On top of the rock is mangrove trees, cheto and the heater.
The water then spills over the top lip of the container.
I have a 24 watt PC light over the container.
The second large container has the SWC 200 extreme skimmer and the quiet one 4000 return pump.
From the return pump the water flows threw black flex tubing where on the side of the tank I have two UV 36 watt sterilizers mounted. The water is Td off the return to flow threw the sterilizers in parallel with each other to reduce the head pressure and then Td back together before connecting back to the manifold that goes across the back of the tank feeding the water in threw the loc line.

The list of occupants in the tank is

QTY Type
2 mated pair 3 Stripe Damsel
1 bicolor blenny
1 blonde naso tang
2 blue damsel
1 blue hippo tang
2 skumk cleaner shrimp
1 clown goby yellow
1 coral beauty angelfish
2 fals percula clownfish
2 firefish goby
8 green chromis
1 yellow eye kole tang
1 lemon damsel
1 mandarin dragonet green
2 sharknose cleaner goby
2 pajama cardinal
1 royal dottyback
1 bicolor royal dottyback
1 royal gramma
2 azure damsel
2 mated pair yellow damsel
1 yellow tail damsel odd guy out.
1 bristletooth tomini tang
1 scopas tang
1 yellow watchman goby
1 vlamingi tang
200 assorted snails and hermit crabs
1 small xenia frag
5 mushroom green (unknown name)
1 yellow soft coral (unknown name)
1 green star polyp frag
1 billion or so copepods or reef pods of some type or another.

Here are a couple of videos of the fish
This video is a feeding video

this video is before the feeding
They have all the basic qualities I like in fish.
1 cheep
2 colorful
3 they don’t die (easily)
4 interesting to watch
Actually my favorite fish in the tank is the coral beauty
Nice video! That is a ton of fish!
Are your mated pairs laying eggs? I am setting up in hopes that my clowns will give me some eggs soon.
Yes they are. Like clock work. Every 6 or 7 days they lay a new nest. Exactly 3 days later after lights out they hatch. I have been doing some research into raising them. I have a few more things I need to get together but I’m going to give it a try. Maybe after I get the hang of thins Ill try working on some other types of fish. I’ve been talking to a guy in Canada that is breeding marine fish that seems to have it down to a simple art form. I’m going to try and incorporate some of the things he is doing on a smaller scale and see if I can do it. From all that I’ve read, experience is the only thing that can teach you on doing this in a small scale (non commercial). So I’m just going to have to do it and work out the bugs out as I’m going.
Very cool!!
I'm interested in any info you want to share. I have two great books, and I've been talking to the guys at MOFIB
As clowns are damsels, any experience\info that you gain will be directly benificial to me :)
I'm planning to start my cultures next week, we will see how it goes.
I think you are dead on the money with the experience issue, hard to know what you need to know until you try :)
Take a look at this.
I’ve looked over breeders net and a few others. Every one has there own way of doing it but the end result is the same basic things need to happen. All else depends on how much effort and time you are willing to invest and what you think you can or can’t do. Some of the information is just way to technical and I suppose if your were a breeder and did this for a living it may be helpful in maximizing profit but for a home breeding setup for my self I just want to give a try and if my percentage is a bit lower then an expert I’m happy with that. If I can get good enough at it then maybe I can trade live stock for food stuff at the local pet store. Cant hurt to try and a number of people are doing clowns but no one is doing any damsel fish, mostly because there not worth much but what the heck. I may have to move into clown if I can do any good at it.
Good read, thanks.
That is pretty much the process that I have read everywhere.
I have the book by Matt mentioned in the thread you sent, it is very good. You are welcome to borrow it if you want. I plan to try the method listed here It seems pretty easy.
I'm going to check tomorrow and see what cultures the biology department has going, perhaps they have something that I can use.
Got a few new fish in today.
2 Talbot’s Damselfish
2 Tasmanian Devil Damselfish ( These fish have really awesome colorations. Much better in person then any pictures you can find online.)
1 Lawnmower Blenny

-5 on the green chromis. I wish these guys would just play nice together. I would really like to have a school of about 10 but it looks like I have to get 20 or so to start with. Maybe if I can’t get these guys to play nice together Ill try a school of the sunshine chromis instead.

Everything’s doing good in the tank. The new anemone has found a place in the front corner of the tank in the sand and looks like that’s where it will stay. It’s an okay spot for now but if it get real big I may have to motivated to move. I’m starting to curse at the green carline algae that is wanting to pepper the glass. That’s not making me happy but I guess that’s the way it goes.

I think I’m going to work on getting a dedicated power line run over to the fish tank and get it off this chincy 14 gauge wiring that’s in my house. I have a run of 8 gauge that was hooked up to a hot tub that we sold that I think will work perfect for this. Nothing like a little over sizing on a 20 amp circuit but I could run 240vac if I every need a 240vac for any new fancy toy I mite not be able to live without.
I received a coral shipment in today. After I get them mounted in the tank I get some pictures of them. This is what I got.

Hammer coral
Candy cane coral
Frogspawn coral
Galaxea coral
Torch coral
Lime green eye favites
And 3 feather dusters.

They are just little frags but I just want to give them a try and see if I can grow this stuff or not.
Hey Erik, sounds as though your on the way to filling that baby up. Its definately an adiction as you've seen in mine. Now I'm to the point of having to let something go to make room for something new.
Looking forward to seeing your system some time soon.

laptops and individually clicking those isn't fun

or you can try the little picture symbol right above when make a reply
What are you talking about?

I think he meant this:


which shows the image inline on your post (so that we do not click on the link to see the picture). To do this, when you reply, click on the little screen-like icon (on the line right above the text box you are typing your message) and enter the http:// address of the image there.
By the way, nice and pretty elaborate setup.

Where did you get the billion copepods? :) I want to get some also... anywhere local? Didn't come across any local LFS that has those kinds of things.
Thanks for the help. You really have to talk to me like I don’t have a clue about the computer stuff. It took me a year to figure out how to get the address of the picture into the link. I’ve also been fooling around with photo bucket but that site just makes my head spin around like in a horror flick. So really I don’t have a clue how you did that and what you said to do to make the image show up in the post makes no sense to me or I’m just missing the obvious.
BTW Amphipods and copepods just boil down to cockroaches around here. My wife thinks its crazy. When the lights go dim the tank come alive with all kinds of swimmers and the rocks are crawling. Almost makes you never want to put your hand in the tank. They mite take you out like hungry piranha. The billion may be an understated exaggeration.