Acclimation Procedures

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Well-known member
May 21, 2004
what is the best meathod to introduce feather dusters and polpys into the tank?
hmm well i pretty much try to get the water temps close then toss them in. i have never slowly aclimated never seems to be a problem. i tossed a blue linka star fish in with no aclimation and it is doing just fine, most people say ya have really go slow, which is ok i guess, it is just i never have and have had no problems, that is the way it is with this hobby it always is what ever works for ya.

I've been using the drip method for everything. I just float the critter in a tupperware bowl in the reguguim for temp acclimation and use an IV drip thing (the little wheel that pinches the IV tube) to drip water in at a controlled rate. Once I have dripped in twice the orignial water volume I'm done. The whole process almost effortless. Just make sure you don't overflow the bowl and sink it. Oh the IV thing was free from a nurse friend, they throw them out all day long in the ER.
I just acclimate temperature wise and never had any problems, but every person has a different method andI would see which one works best for you.

I think it also depends on how long how long the critters have been in he water. The longer the time in the bags I would be more likely to use the drip method.

I think the drip method is less stressful and works well with anything your putting in your aquarium. (excluding live rock and live sand) It's better to be safe than sorry. just my 2 cents
I agree, I release all my critters and fish etc. in a 5gl bucket then use the drip method for about 1-1/2 to 2 hrs, then just net them out or place them(corals) in the tank

The drip method has always worked for me, never had anything give me a problem not even polyps. Just do like M&M says and drip twice the original water volume. Just remember do a slow drip.
I'm with Chris (clownguy) on this one. I usually just float my bags for about 15 minutes and then release. Knock on wood, never had ich. I feel that the fish are more stressed by sitting in a bag for an extra 3 hours in some cases with the drip method, then to be released sooner after temps match. Not necessarily the best method, but it has always worked for me...