After a number of months of use, my aquarium now has number of scratches. Needless to say, I’ve learned some lessons in terms of how careful a person needs be in cleaning acrylic
. So I'm planning on taking advantage of moving to a new house to buff out my acrylic aquarium. The dimensions of the aquarium are 48x24x30. I have a couple of questions I hope someone can please help me with:
Any help would be great, thanks in advance,
1) I’m thinking of buying some Novus polish (#1,#2 & #3) to do the buffing. I’m wondering how much I would need to buff out the front and sides of the aquarium?? They have the 64oz containers which seem like lot of product; maybe a couple of 8oz kits are enough?
2) I’m also planning on buying a electric buffer/polisher, maybe one of the smaller versions available at Home Depot, Sears, etc… (e.g. http://www.blackanddecker.com/ProductGuide/Product-Details.aspx?ProductID=5469) Anyone have good luck with these? I’ve noticed that buffers available come in a variety of speeds, is there a proper speed for polishing acrylic?
3) Last question, I have an orbital sander that a you can buy a hook an loop polishing pad for, should I even think about just using that? The sander speed is variable from 7000-12000.
Any help would be great, thanks in advance,