acrylic to glass???

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always seeing stars
Mar 22, 2005
hey everybody-

im going to build two overflows into my 72 gal project tank buy glueing pieces of acrylic into the corners at 45 degree angles to create a box in each corner of the tank does anyone have any recommedations as for what type of adheasive to do this with? i was thinking silicon but i was recently told sillicon wont bond to acrylic...any help would be greatly appricated!

you can use silicone to attach acrylic to glass. That's how oceanic does it I believe. It will work.
I used silicone to glue in my corner boxes and it worked fine.
Im told over the years it might seperate from the glass but im not to concerned about it. The hold is very nice. Try to rough up the edge thats going to be glued to the glass. That will give it a better hold.
I had a huge overflow built once and siliconed it to the glass and I had major trouble getting it off when I pulled it out. So yeah, it will definately bond and hold to the glass. Best of luck!