Admire but Please don't Touch!! LOL

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2008
Made everything myself (with a friend, dad's mate did cabinet under my design). Approx 190g 15mm Starphire polished and bevelled! Hope you like!!
lol i'm good bro. How did i know you would be the first to respond????lol
Will take pics soon mate,it's 1:30am here!!!
Is that the Bean Animals overflow system?
I like the door on the end of the stand, makes it easy to get a big sump in and out.
Yeah got doors on both sides, makes things very easy!! Never heard of Bean Animals, my overflow is just 3x25mm holes with bulkheads(and the guards on them).
lol fair enough!! Now its 2:30 am here!! Will take pics of inhabitants when the lights come on just for mate.
Yeah he's good, easiest fish i have ever kept alive (see if that comment stirs people up!!!lol). Need to take more photos anyway mate, still only have the same ones i took ages ago, except the sump!
Thanks brother!
Hey whats that long slug looking thing??
How do you like those "SUN SUN's???
Thinking of getting two of them?
Thats a cucumber, not sure what type but he has stretched to about 20" and ive had him about 2 years.
Sun sun's excellent mate, perfect flow, you will be very happy with two!!!
cool I'm gonna attach them to my two sea swirls!!!
Gonna order them next weekend!!
two SUNSUNS + shipping comes to around $100 thats almost 6000GPH of flow baby!!